delicious re

Nov 27, 2009 15:30


As usual, Capcom doesn't fail to deliver with this new Resident Evil game. It's so nice to be able to trust them to make great Resident Evil games time and time again - whereas when it comes to my other love Silent Hill, I find that I'm always dubious about the quality of upcoming games ( and rightly so - the last few titles have disappointed me hardcore. SH purists will probably argue it's because that series has bigger shoes to fill, but the two are pretty different in terms of atmosphere and gameplay, and I love them both, so eh. ) DSC is even better than I hoped it would be - more fun than UC, I think. WOO

It's so nice to see Steve again. :') They did a really good job with him. Not so hot on Alexia's characterization changes, though. Liked her better as a mature and powerful woman than a creepy playful cutesy... type w/e you call that. I think they were just trying to make her more like Alf. ( also, they had her kill him in this one? Can't decide if I like that or not... ) They really squished CVX into a tiny package, though. but I mean it's such a huge game I kind of expected it. Only thing that bugs me is that they cut Wesker out almost entirely, which means they dropped his line about bringing Stevey back. DISHEARTENING. ( Although they did have those Steve-style Veronica'd monsters in the Javier missions. )

One thing though. When I beat it, it said "You must become stronger to protect those dear to you" or something like that. UM WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO ... do I go back through the levels again? ( I did notice I'm missing a bunch of videos for the Javier mission WAT'S UP WITH THAT )

also lol tofu

code veronica, video games, code veronica is my loverrrrr, steve burnside, game blog, resident evil

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