( sorry, Alley, no dancing Blairs, too lazy. SOMEDAY. )
I should probably say something profound like LOOKING BACK 100 POSTS AGO I WAS A blah blah blah, but all I have to say is yaaay 100 posts!
Man I haven't updated in about ten thousand years. A lot of things have happened in various places, so I'll post about those things. With spoiler cuts because there are SPOILERS TONS OF THEM.
Oh god I don't even care about this series anymore but I had to read this chapter. ULQUIORRA WHHHHYYYY. For those of you who don't know, Ulquiorra is my honeymuffin favorite character and one of my most fondly-looked-upon roleplay characters. This really broke my heart. Yes, I teared up ... Hahaha. So friggin close to Ulqui/Hime, too. I'm still trying to hold onto some kind of hope that Orihime can save him. After all, her healing powers aren't 'healing,' per se, but time-reversal... Kind of like the "restore state" option on a computer, you know? I hope she can do a "restore state" on poor Ulquiorra.
Aaah, Neuro, you're blonde! His hair looks so fluffy like that, doesn't it?
Although I'm sad that this amazing series is coming to an end this week, I'm also very excited. I love it to death, and I'm sure this finale is gonna be a bang! Matsuei is a highly talented writer.
Neuro and Yako were so darn cute in the latest chapter. Taking care of sick Neuro, tucking him in... And he finally hugged her, too (in a very Neuro-esque way, of course.) I really thought they were going to kiss on page 14 of chapter 201, hahaha. Fat chance. Well, I can still hope for #202. I wonder how Yako is doing now without him... Must have been a blow considering how she reacted back in 183, even if this time they weren't parting out of anger. They really need each other. ♥ DRAMATIC ADORABLE REUNION PLOX
WTF they didn't kiss.
lmfao Wesker fanservice at the end. OOPS THE PLANE CRASHED AND... BLEW MY SHIRT OFF
This game was way too short! And the Wesker children thing is kind of stupid. And by kind of I mean really stupid. Luckily, this is Resident Evil, so really stupid plotlines are perfectly acceptable by me as long as they can work with them.
Wesker is definitely not dead. Those two rockets went by the sides of his head. I SAW IT BRO. Anyways, it's not like even shooting Wesker in the face with missiles while he's floating in lava will kill him. It's WESKER.
Why was Jill blonde? Chris was on STEROIDS and Excella was doofy. Sheva, Josh, and Irving were okay though. Although the former two are really, REALLY boring... Still holding out on seeing mah boi Steve-o soon. Hopefully CVX will make it onto the Umbrella Chronicles sequel. I bet it will.
The new(bnr) Silent Hill game... I don't know what to think. Especially because my internet isn't playing videos right now for some reason so I can't watch the trailer. Harry looks cute with glasses, though, and I like the idea of a)No fighting b)many, many variations of monsters. I suppose I'm just bitter about Origins and Homecoming being disappointing. I'll try it anyway, but I doubt I'll buy it unless it blows me away.
My grandfather had a stroke and is paralyzed in the hospital, and my grandmother has incurable cancer and is also hospitalized. Both of these news items came to me in the same month. Huuurmm...