
Apr 28, 2008 16:13

Woo. I didn't do as much as I would have liked to over the past week or so. My serious digital art's been brought to (pretty much) a standstill by Tegaki. Sure, it sounds bad but it is SO WORTH IT. I doodle a lot on there now. (link's in my profile if you're curioso.) I love our little Bleach RP gang on there! <3 You guys are all MUY AWESOME. I hope my Ulquiorra doesn't make you all hate me. I'm not really that scary.

Started watching some new animes for once. I'm not a big anime watcher, but since Bleach is going on fillers for a presumably long time and I can't be arsed with Naruto right now (considering catching up on the episodes I've missed; I've heard the manga's getting interesting again), I need something to watch. Higurashi and Code Geass are the two I picked. Higurashi because I love thriller/horror stuff and Code Geass because ... because. I don't know. I actually like CG better right now though. Only on episode 2 however.

I am playing Silent Hill: Origins again, since I want to give it another chance! Also, a post on the SH comm made me think I'd probably enjoy it more now that I have a better understanding. ( Goodness knows I didn't 'get' SH3 or SH4 at ALL the first times I played them. ) Hopefully, spazzudrake and I are gonna play through the whole series again. Because ... we can. We both have all the games now. And we freakin' love Silent Hill. HOO HA.
I think I'm gonna replay Fatal Frame II again as well. I loves me some FaFa. I wish the fandom was bigger. It'd be an awesome fandom, because every single game in the series is AMAZING. It'd be like the PW fandom.

Ghad I love Akira Yamaoka's music. I should import these OSTs or something.

anime, silent hill, updoots, games, game blog

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