
Feb 18, 2008 14:18

I am really, REALLY bad at Sonic and the Secret Rings. But it's fun and I can't stop playing it. ;_; I gotta find out how to unlock Silver for the party mode though. Then all will be right in the world.

Played Bioshock, too! But I had to return before I could finish it. Does it have enough unlockables/replayability to be worth a buy, if any of you guys have played it? It was definitely fun, but I don't want to buy it if it will just collect dust. What a gorgeous game, though, and super fun. Although killing Big Daddies depresses me since it makes the Littel Sisters so sad. :(((

In other news, I've been playing World of Warcraft (yuck, I know. Please feel free to shoot me) and Dementium, where I am totally stuck on this dumb boss who can immobilize you and then chuck you at walls. Even if you shoot him he doesn't stop. Durr? What do I do? I don't know.

I need more Silent Hill. I have a terrible craving. I guess I'll play SH2 some more. I guess but the thought kinda scares the crap outta me aieeee

I read this book, Ghostwalker, in the Forgotten Realms verse. It was the corniest thing ever but I read it in two days anyways. ??? huh.

gaming, pointless post, bioshock, secret rings, sonic, sonic the hedgehog

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