oh butts

Jan 12, 2008 19:01

NO NO NO. I'm not gonna go back into Sonic fandom.

I'm not. I'm not I'm noooooooot oh baaaw too late I already started drawing them again. Oh well. When inspiration strikes, I'm not one to turn it down. I love them too much to stay away for long, I guess. hahaha.

Now if only I could find some good fanart sites.

Sonic Riders 2 came out recently, too, so I gotta go get that. Loved the first one, and hopefully the learning curve won't kill me on this one since I'm already pretty good at the control scheme.

The new Sonic RPG doesn't look good to me right now... I don't want them to go backwards, I want 'em to go forwards! I love the new characters and plot ideas! Heck, I love the next-gen games in general. But I'm in the minority with that opinion and I know it. lol newfag.

IN OTHER NEWS I am this close to pirating a torrent of Silent Hill Origins since spazzudrake has confirmed that it is awesome. Only thing keeping me is the fact that it's rumored it's gonna be released on PS2, which would be awesome.

silent hill, silent hill origins, oh noes, sonic, sonic the hedgehog

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