oh my god

Oct 06, 2007 22:36


lawdy lawd I hope the anime store here carries this. I get the feeling they won't though. ;_;

In other Deidara-related news, I took 34 screencaps of him from the last double-episode of Naruto because he made too many irresistable faces. I have no idea what to do with them, though. I guess I'll make icons or something.

And here's another meme for good measure. I love filling these things out, shoot me.

Shipping Meme:

"One True Pairing" ship: Jaffar/Nino from Fire Emblem. Over like every other pairing. They're so cute they make me go :33333333.

"One True Threesome" ship: Ehh don't like threesomes.

"Canon" ship: Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Kyon/Haruhi~ but I like a lot of canon ships, so could really be a lot of things. That's the one that springs to mind.

"Not quite canon but should be" ship: Silent Hill - Henry/Eileen |:

"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship: Bleach - Ichigo/Orihime D:

"You are one sick bastard" ship: Kingdom Hearts - Larxene/Marluxia

"I'm one sick bastard" ship: KH/Silent Hill - Demyx/Cynthia (AHAHAHA)

"I dabble a little" ship: Resident Evil - Leon/Ada

"It's like a car crash" ship: wtf does this mean? Sorry for being stupid.

"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" ship: There has to be one. Hmm... Sonic the Hedgehog - Silver/Blaze ( I probably will be sold when I get around to playing that dang game )

"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" ship: Silent Hill - Walter/Angela THAT'S RIGHT.

"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" ship: Sonic the Hedgehog - Jet/Wave. Wtf they had like no chemistry. They seemed more like bratty siblings with bratty sibling rivalry than a couple. and ahm I like Storm/Wave so that probably doesn't help

"When all is said and done" ship: Walter/Angela. Jaffacakes/Nino may be my OTP but if I *ever* see more of this I'll pretty much jump out of my socks in happiness.

want, fangirling, omg, deidara, meme

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