Well CAT (
flamingtequila) got me into the FRIDAY 5!
So here goes my first one!
1. Who was your favorite all time teacher(s)?
Mr. Roswell
Mrs. Nuemann
2. What did they teach?
Roswell- APEURO
Nuemann- English 10 Honors
3. What is your best memory from that class?
Roswell- When Lauren was in the class and she was hitting on Mr. Rosewell and
I said "Lauren- he's old, and married, and has kids. Stop hitting on him"
And Mr. Rosewell goes- "Well- Rachel has a point, but she forgot I'm fat too!"
Nuemann- The SATIN/SATIN story. The whole class was amazing, but probably when
she paused and rewound the Darcy coming out of the lake wet in the Pride and Prejudice.
4. Did you ever have a crush on a teacher and if so who?
Hm, nope.
5. What is the craziest/wildest/weirdest thing you (or someone you know) ever did at school?
I know a guy who streaked through the homecoming football game : )
Drumline tomorrow 8:30am-9:00pm bleh
Things with boys are freaking weird. It pretty much sucks hard core.
But otherwise life is all-right. : )