(no subject)

Feb 25, 2006 08:30

Ohhhhh man yesterday OWNED!
(I'll be posting video's later!)

Ryan, Bryce, and I came to my house and chilled.
Watched TV, then did poetry slam stuff.
Then we played life, and I almost died laughing.
Then MICHEALS! To buy shirts and playsdough stuff, and
Then we ran around outside,
and made playdough penises.

And Bryce went home,
but Tater came over.
And wore my pink and black board shorts,
and R CUBED (Ryan, Tater [Ryan], Rachel)
went to the hot tub,
and we sunk the Lusitania again with a
soda can and my plastic duck as Germany.

Drumline today all day.
Played tennis with Tate for an hour or so : )
Now I'm  hooommmeee <3
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