Oct 14, 2008 18:50

...I could be sappy right now, but I won't. kjlafak. :D


I figure we're pretty much due for this, considering what's happened recently with the LJ Awards (I AM NOT DENSE) and the latest disaster.

otp (anon?) meme
...i.e. the one where you bitch about who you've been paired up with by fangirls/friends/your significant other, talk about who you wish would just gtfover their UST, mope about your ex getting together with so-and-so, write embarrassing fanfiction about X and Y, and generally harass people anonly. no, Bobby is not very creative.

Also, this is not girly. :|||

go forth and anon!, annie is my sister, kou has tags, anonononon, meme only not really, go forth and multiply, booooooored (bnr), be as creepy as possible, kenya is my son, tag abuse tag abuse tag abuse!, kou is mine, kou, bored bobby is bored, this could be sappier, kenya, manabe is my son, lalalalala, dirt, mememe, captain condom to the rescue!!!, meeeeeeeeeme

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