opal = mystique??? WHUTWHY.

Sep 06, 2008 22:05

1) NO ONE SAW THAT PICTURE. STFU!!! THAT WAS NOT WHAT I ENTERED THE CONTEST FOR OMFG. (But I don't get why people seemed to be shocked. Dude. I'm one of the X-Men. Even the girls are all muscled. It's scary.)

2) Powers are funky. I'm cold. My teeth are chattering. Whyyyy.

3) Could people please stop shooting me? It's getting a little annoying. :|

4) Ex-significant others not trying to kill me would be AWESOME, too.

5) And getting thrown out of moving planes. Me no likey. I survive, but. :|||

In short: Life sucks. Writers obviously hate me. What else is new.

Here's a fun meme:

What's the worst thing your creator/writer/etc. has ever done to you?

At least one person is going to write "DEATH", and it will be funny. :D

ice skatiiiiing, dude, doopdoopdoop, my exes are scary, kou is away, y so srs??, cold ;___;, annoying bobby is annoying, changing my name :|||, it's possible i miss kou just a little, amuse the bobbyyyy, no kilts plz, keysmashkeysmashkeysmash, thrown out of a plane, ice cream helps me think, gon kick ur butt, starbucks ate my wallet, stfu!!, x-men r awsum, powers are screwy ;__;, dance! dance!!!, whinewhinewhine, tiiiiiired

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