oh look! A MONKEY!!!

Jul 02, 2008 17:41

Here's something for the new people out there. Juuust for y'all. :D

Bobby's List of Things Not to Do (for your sanity and the sanity of those around you)
1) Listen to Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl on repeat for 24 hours straight.
2) Prank a telepath.
3) Prank Emma Frost, who is a telepath AND a complete bitch. Even she admits it.
4) Mess with the X-Men.
5) Read the Harry Potter books more than seven times.
6) Watch the Lord of the Rings movies more than five times.
7) Lock yourself in a walk-in subzero freezer.
8) Lock yourself in the Danger Room.
9) Sleep with Mystique the enemy. Har.
10) Write bad poetry about your exes. They will find out.
11) Replace Angel's pigs' blood with red hair dye.
12) Annoy, hurt, or generally mess with An Tachibana.
13) Read fanfiction about yourself.
14) Read bad fanfiction about yourself.
15) Come out to your parents by bringing your boy/girlfriend to a wedding/get-together.
16) Make jokes about accountants.
17) Draw a comic book with a hero named Captain Condom. ("Up, up, and a-wee!")
18) Dress up as Captain Condom for Halloween.
19) Give a woman anti-wrinkle cream. Trust me on this one.
20) Try to take over the world. IT NEVER WORKS.

...I could go on and on.


Hi. I'm Robert Louis Francis Drake, otherwise known as Bobby, otherwise known as Iceman, a member of the X-Men. :D

hollaback grrrrrl, stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuff, lististististist, blurgleurgleurgle, starbucks ate my wallet, captain condom to the rescue!!!, x-men r awsum

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