Hellooooooo There.
To get a few things out of the way here before I start with anything.. This is a private journal, anymore I've found myself to be more of a private person when it comes to my personal life so don't feel offended if you ask to be my friend and I reject you, due to not exactly knowing who you are and how you found my way into my life. If I know you personally, or have spoken with you in some way shape or form then I have no problem sharing my life with you.
In lesser words, message me or comment to be added.
A couple things you might like to know before you want to get a sneak peek into my life:
* I'm Pagan.
* I take my practice/craft very seriously.
* Very blunt and opinionated, therefore I'm not afraid to tell it like it is.
* I'm private (even if you're a close friend to me, don't expect me to make every post viewable for your pleasure, if I decided to keep my ideas and thoughts to myself, then so be it, and I'd appreciate it if everyone would respect that as well.)
If you're okay with the main following above then we should get a long just fine, and even if you're not then that's fine as well, but perhaps it's better that you don't request to be added.
Anyway, that ends my updated intro post.