Hobo-n aboard.

Dec 31, 2037 23:59

If you would like to be friends, then do leave a comment. I would like to know more about you. :)

If you're here and you find yourself going ewww, disgusting at my choice of fandom and/or my side of the fandom, then rly, what are you waiting for? Time's a-wastin' when the possibilities of me adding you back is ぜんぜん. Nada. Zilch. ZERO.

So because you need to know what exactly you're dealing with/you'll be dealing with, here's a short list of things about myself:

I am a fangirl. Really. That much is obvious. I bet you are, too. |D

I am opinionated. Very much so. I usually go around telling people what I think without any pretensions, and it gets me into hot water a whole lot. But that's not me being rude, really, I'm not like Sawajiri Erika who her stans always say is just misunderstood and just fails to articulate herself properly/fails to reply using the right words because I think she's just downright immature and rude, period. (Whoops. I shouldn't have said that. Imagine the trolling or hate-talk I'd get from fans!) PLUS, I'm not going all RAGE RAGE RAGE against the dying of the light (lol), because even if I go around saying I don't like this and that, I don't really mind if my friends like what I utterly dislike. That, for me, is the beauty of true friendship. ♥

I am rabid and spazzy. Once I like something, I can't stop talking about him/her/it/them. My life would revolve around this one person/thing/group/etc and it'd take time before I get over the crazy, but it doesn't mean I like them less. I just grow... mellow. Prolly because I've exhausted all my powers fangirling that certain person/thing/group/etc. ^^

I am vain. Not in the fashionista sense (goodness knows how my fashion sense can be compared to Sakurai Sho's infamous double parka), but I like talking about myself. At least on my blogs. (You're probably also vain, admit it! To a certain extent, yeah? :D) IRL, I usually just go around being a real bitchy, sarcastic dokuzetsu and make a hobby out of shooting down people for their odd fashion sense or weird tastes in men. Yes I am specific: Weird tastes in men.

... But I'm not a man-hater. At least, not the 2D and/or beyond-my-reach men (i.e., Sakurai Sho). :Dv I have lost faith in men around me but in the off chance that I even get myself a boyfriend (i.e., Sakurai Sho), I'll let you guys know. LOL.

I am long-winded. Which is really a bad thing -- I have a bad sense of when and where to stop exactly.

... Which is also why I love writing (and reading, these two usually come hand in hand). Currently I'm working on fanfics, but I still yearn for the day that I get to write my own novel/book. But at the rate things are going (i.e., being devoured by the shiny pretty sparkles of Japanese Entertainment and more specifically, Johnnys Entertainment), I think that dream would pretty much stay a dream, after all. So for now and forever?, I shall be writing fanfics with these androgynous guys being paired off with pretty young actresses I like seeing them with. (see Above.)

I love the internet. Because well, if I didn't (and you didn't), then how come you've stumbled upon my livejournal, yeah? Yeah.

I get ahead of myself a lot. That trait of mine reflects on probably the number of times I may erase or edit my comments/replies (depending on my account level, haha) to your entries/replies.

Lastly... I am zany. No really. I get into mood swings a lot and I get really very hyped up over the simplest things, like hearing a different breath/grunt/pant from Sho in one of their single/b-sides that I've listened to for 281439384934 times (i.e., his Oh no! that's so low and dark and husky in Monster; his pants in Spiral; his hot rapping in Let me down, etc.), but in the next instant I could go and be all depressed because of certain circumstances that may come up. Yes, I'm really just easily affected.

... So after reading that long-winded fail attempt on a simple list and you still think I'm awesome, then you're probably crazy too, like me.

And that prolly means we'll get along smashingly. :Dv

friends only, she is fail

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