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Re: i... just caved in and bought myself userpics >< frostbittenlove September 28 2010, 12:52:40 UTC
ME TOO. Right now I'm only on 51, still uploading, and darn it I WANT A NEW SHOMAKI ICON so I shall enlist someone to make me one mu wa ha ha My new set of purtee Maki icons are courtesy of a good ol' older friend, dalampasigan (formerly enerinerie, hehe). I'll prolly send her more scans because I NEED MOAR ICONS lolz. (and my icons tell my OTP story, I'm SRS, LOOK AT MY USERICON PAGE /shameless pimping 8D) And yes we bemoan the scarcity of Maki icons -- it's prolly because nobody uploads Maki photoshoots we only get the pretty from YMK forums lol

Heh, I'm sure most of us had to fake sickness through something during school (or important things we want to beg off from). I was like that in school back then because I had/have severe asthma 8DDD So I just pretend to have shortness of breath, etc etc and I'm exempted from dressing up in lousy bloomers for PE class. 8D /shot I got my stubbornness from my dad, and my snark and elitist streak from my mom (yes I confess to being an elitist). Probably due to our family's heritage XD

I'M GOING! Because apparently my friend the HR Assistant has already said yes on my behalf yesterday when I wasn't around and I have no choice but to go, lol or else I'll spoil the weekend plans xD; JOIN THE PLANNING COMMITTEE? :) Make it more fun, bb! I'm sure you can ;D and YES go get yourself pampered, outside of the makeup indulgences and fandom splurging :)

IKRRR. I esp. love it whenever Meisa just outright shoots down Nino and Nino can do nothing but hang his head in defeat, embarrassed. |D It's like Meisa is already desensitised to Nino's charms, it's adorable. ♥ Junpei and Mirei are both the top models for Seventeen Japan 8D that's where pairing them up came from! Pretty girl + Pretty boy = Pretty pairing 8D (plus COME ON, who didn't fall in love with Junpei in Buzzer Beat? :3 He and Kanjiya Shiori were too adorable for words!)

... I didn't want to have Amuro Namie here. D: I am a selfish fangirl, ikr.


(... NO DON'T WRITE IT SOMEDAY, WRITE IT NOW. YEAAAAAAAAY 8DDDD HOW DO I BRIBE YOU UHMUHM...I can maybe write in the opposite POV that you've written your drabble in? ^^;; /bricked)

I ♥ you moar >3


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