Progress is made up of pro and... grade, in Latin. Etymology FTW.

Sep 04, 2010 09:04

Wow, three entries in five days? ^^ I think I'm making progress here... :D

I still hang around a lot on Twitter though, so if anyone is interested on talking to me live (lol), add me! Just beware though because I'm prone to spazzing, but then again you guys already know I spazz a lot, yes? It's @aurorasolstice. :) You have to tell me if it's you though because I may have an open timeline/unprotected tweets (for trending purposes) but I don't just add everyone. LOL.

My first week at work has been successful. I confess I feel so incompetent but admittedly, I'm only a week into the battlefield so I am aware that they aren't expecting much from me just yet. But my competitive streak wouldn't back down so I have to literally try to be better each and every day. I hope my efforts will be recognised because I really want to stay in this... company/organisation/okfineembassy.

I've discovered at work that there's a hidden L'Arc~en~Ciel fangirl (hyde fangirl, actually) who works as our receptionist, Commes allez vous. (Ah that reminds me, I need to get those French readings from my friend sajklfh). We were out last Wednesday (we get off work at 4:30pm sharp) and were looking for a place to eat dinner at; we tried to look into eating at the izakaya but it's still closed and we were just really hungry for Japanese food, so because we were in Greenbelt, I suggested dinner at John and Yoko. Turns out there had only been 2 of us who've tried John and Yoko before but we went to eat there anyway (good food! big servings for sharing yeaaay!), and while we were near the escalator to get to the second floor (and in front of Cartier, if I rmb correctly), Stacy (our HR Assistant who is coincidentally my spazzmate with all things visual kei and L'Arc and JE) and I were spazzing about how we'd go to Taipei or Hong Kong if L'Arc decided to do another World Tour.

Somehow, we mentioned hyde and then Ms. Receptionist (we call her Migs; she's the daughter of the former Armed Forces Chief or something) perked up and went: "Did you just say hyde...?" in a small voice and us three ended up stopping in our tracks and looking at each other and we all went "OMGGG!!!!" Spazz moment of realisation for fangirls, really, in the middle of the high-end mall where our voices echoed like something OMG ACCIDENT HELP! happened. |D

Though I'm surprised someone in a... not-too-Japanese-inclined organisation (gee we represent another country in this country after all and that country isn't Japan) is actually a fan of a Japanese artist, I'm not entirely shocked. Because there's really a bigger possibility of meeting people like me/her/us in the field I am in, what with people's open-mindedness and their receptiveness to different cultures. But overall I'm just really happy. And I am going to try and convert her into an Arashi fan muwa ha ha ha



IN OTHER NEWS (other than my fantastic workplace where we had ice cream cake yesterday)... I have to apologise for that previous, desperate-sounding lj entry I've written. I'll be honest; I don't think I ever got over him completely. It just really came as a shock that he invited me out when for almost a year now, the only interaction we've had was a mutual agreement on who we don't want to vote for during the last elections (which ended up also not pretty on my part because I freaking got told off in his list by my supposed best friend; I got mad at her and finally snapped because ugh, imagine how embarrassing that was, being told off in someone else's page I could've been more receptive to it happening in my page plus it totally zeroed in on my reply--I haven't spoken to my friend since. Call me petty, but yeah. It's my pride that's been hurt, kthx; I retaliated but I never once mentioned her name, and I retaliated on Twitter, where not a lot of people know her, and until now she still doesn't get my anger over the issue).

So anyway back to him; I declined his invitation to the party. Because after careful consideration, I think I know his reason behind inviting me specifically -- he wants to show off his new girlfriend. :\ I may not have been over him completely, but I'm not exactly as hung up, you know?

I guess out of the two of us, he's the one who can't get over... whatever it was that had happened between us, if there was any. It's just really sad that it's going to take forever before him and all our friends got over that incident (whatever it is called, really; I wasn't even sure what it was exactly that we had back then). Even one of my closest friends still ships the green team (him and I who both like the colour green, rare breed indeed) and starts singing Maybe This Time every time he and I end up together/beside each other after our high school days, like inside the lift together, or set me up to ride alone in his car or force me to take the passenger's seat every single time and whatnot. :\

I may still be hurting occasionally, but I've come to terms with things, and that whatever that was that had happened between us was just that -- something of the past. It may have scarred me and contributed to my utter distrust of men in my immediate surroundings, but it doesn't mean I'm still bitter. It's mellowed down into near-apathy. Near-apathy.


Yesterday I got off work early (we get off earlier on Fridays, 1:30pm! And no this isn't about work anymore). I paid my bills (T____T) and deposited money for the Arashi con goods I bought off a seller (SQUEEEE!!), then hailed a megacab/FX to get home. All was right in the world, really.

Until we reached a divergent/an exit where one would need to choose between passing the busy streets of my city and the other, a continuation of the freeway/highway that'd lead to the quieter, less residential/commercial part of my city. The FX I had been riding was headed that way, I was aware, but since it's a public vehicle, I was expecting it to pass through the exit and get me where I wanted to get off so I could walk home (since I was broke huhuhu plus it'd also mean more passengers for them; these drivers really want the whole town/city/country to ride their FX, honestly /bitch). Plus, it should've declined me/told me he wouldn't be passing by that side of the city initially when I just got on his FX.

But yes, things don't go as planned -- the driver freaking kicked me out of the FX when he saw that the one-lane exit was bottleneck traffic-ed, handing me loose change as my fare so I can ride going down the exit towards the busier district. I WAS LEFT TO FEND FOR MYSELF IN THE HIGHWAY, ALONE, AGAINST THE RAGING FAST VEHICLES PASSING BY (and TRUCKS, ZOMG, TRUCKS). And I'm notoriously known for crossing streets too, because I do not know how to cross a street, much less a highway where a pedestrian isn't supposed to be walking around!

I felt like crying and calling someone, anyone, but with the vehicles around me I seriously didn't have the minute, second, moment to open my (chaotic) bag and look for my phone. >o<; So I ended up running towards the diverging road/exit and I made it out of the fast lanes alive, but I felt like one of those paupers walking on the street as I made my way down the exit. >( Plus I thought the ones in the cars might've been thinking along the lines of what a huge bother when they saw me because they totally have to stick to the other side just to not accidentally bump into me skldfjdf I FEEL LIKE A HUGE BURDEN TO THE MOTORISTS. D:

But as you can see I'm still blogging, so I'm still alive, but really, that was... idk, traumatising, to an extent. Because the only thing going through my head while I was walking down the exit was how this wouldn't have happened if I had a boyfriend. orz Yup, idek why it's that thought that occurred to me when it'd be more awesome if what flashed into my mind was this wouldn't have happened to me if I had my own car. But that's probably a look inside my head/heart/mind as to what kind of boyfriend I should have. LOL. Someone with a car, obvsly. |D I'm materialistic, apparently.


I have been downloading Unubore Deka and Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku *runs out of breath aghfjgfdsdgh* but I never got around to watching, LOL. Ah, and Mioka, too! I love Hayashi Kento but I haven't started watching it yet dagdfjhg does anyone have an opinion which one I should start with since I have a long weekend? Unubore looks promising but I'm rather :| at Nakashima Mika there. She looks sooo strange. :\ Mioka has purteee Kento but it's a sad drama so I'm pretty averse too, lest I want another puffy-eyed phase this weekend. dnw dnw! NatsuNiji, on the other hand... I've heard you need to be a MatsuFab fan to get past the first three episodes agdfgjhh. どうしお・・・?



I love my boys. ♥ I don't think it's overkill they were in the book though; they're freaking promoters/image models for the Japanese Tourism Bureau, in case anyone had forgotten. Plus, the book wasn't all about them. Jeez why are these aramatheydidnt people so butthurt about it. :\ Sorry to non-fans but yea, it'd seem Arashi's cooking up a storm now, and if they don't like it, they probably need to get out of the J-fandom because it's undeniable and unstoppable now. Or they can just ignore it and carry on, really, isn't that much easier? SIIIIGH. They see 'em rollin they start a-hatin'. Sad. And jskhds I want to see that photo of Sho farming with the Aichi people sjlsdfj crap there goes my bias again.

Yes jadenmd you'll get your fic soon! >D Ah that reminds me I need to update my other fics asdfhghgj gee I'm pretty much a failure this week, aren't I. ;o;

*le sigh* And so continues the saga of all her entries being tagged with she is fail on them. \(=____=)/

ジャニーズ: 生田斗真 ♫, she fails at explaining complex ideas, l'arc~en~ciel is awesomesauce forever bb, she is stuck with old skool love, 嵐: 櫻井翔 ★, 嵐! 嵐!FOR DREAM~, she says blogging is therapeutic, she is fail, she speaks with honesty, ドラマ:夏の恋は虹色に輝く, she is easily affected, she lives to work (the poor dear lol), she has rl friends too!, ドラマ:うぬぼれ刑事, 嵐: 松本潤 ♪, je has damned her eternally

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