Carrie knew she should not use the terrifying power she possessed… But one night at her senior prom, Carrie was scorned and humiliated just one time too many, and in a fit of uncontrollable fury she turned her clandestine game into a weapon of horror and destruction…
I had seen the movie years ago and it’s a classic film. The adaptation is close to the book, but the book is still better. Since I listened to The Shining and Doctor Sleep last year for my October books I wanted to keep the Stephen King tradition this October with Carrie.
I really liked the way it was told through many points of view, especially through articles and testimonies. The one thing that did annoy me was that there are no chapter breaks.
Even though it is a horror story, and certainly the events that take place are horrific, I was not frightened like I was with The Shining. I didn’t literally jump out of my seat.
If anything I was more angry. Angry at the bullies, at the school authorities, at Carrie’s mother, Margaret. And I was especially angry with Chris Hargensen and Billy Nolan. By the way, I pictured
Billy Hargrove (Dacre Montgomery) from Stranger Things as Billy Nolan because they are both super A-holes characters.
I was sympathizing with Carrie and I just wanted to rescue her from the disgusting and poisonous people in her life.
I read somewhere that the book was banned in school libraries. Interesting, because I think this should be given to high school students as warning to not bully the odd kid because that odd kid will snap and you will be sorry! Instead show compassion and be more inclusive.
It was awesome to hear Sissy Spacek narrate the story. Although I did cringe when she said the word “roof” with her southern accent.
This is my favorite quote from the book and even though it is morbid, it is poetic:
“Kenny’s brother slid between the slats, lifted the pig’s head toward the moon - the glazing eyes regarded the crescent with rapt blankness - and slashed.”
4 out of 5 Proms.