Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at
The Broke and the Bookish. October 31: Halloween Freebie! (Happy Halloween! Let your creativity run wild with a themed post to celebrate!)
I am getting to this pretty late and so here is a quick list. I usually add an explanation for my choices, but I have no time! Too many things going on at once.
1) Favorite vampires: The de Clairmont family from
The All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness.
2) Favorite ghost story: The
Shades of London series by Maureen Johnson.
3-5) Favorite good witches: Hermione & Luna from Harry Potter; and Diana Bishop from The All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness.
6) Favorite bad witch: Angelique Bouchard from
Dark Shadows. The 1960-70's TV series, NOT the 1990's TV series, AND CERTAINLY NOT THE TERRIBLE MOVIE WITH JOHNNY DEPP!
7-8) Favorite zombies: Liv Moore from
iZombie; and R from
Warm Bodies.
9) Favorite werewolf: Quentin Collins from Dark Shadows.
10) Favorite Goblin: Sevro au Barca. Just because I wanted to add something from Red Rinsing here. He's not really a goblin. That's just what the mean kids called him.