Past week...

Dec 07, 2006 21:30

Okay, so let me go ahead and rant about what happened through last week.

The big point? Finals. I had one on monday (Java Programming) and two back to back on Wednesday (HTML and SQL). The big one of them all was of course Java. The midterm was good practice for what to expect on the final. Last time I didn't do too hot on the written part of the test, so I made sure to focus on that a lot more this time around. And with programming, you can't really "study" too much for it anyway... either you know how to create algorithms and make a program out of it or you don't. And I could! So I did okay for the written part. I know I didn't answer one question only because it was really ambiguous and I had no idea what she wanted (oh, I probably could have asked for help... but no... she wasn't there. It was proctored by another professor). Anyway, the programming wasn't hard... but hella long! So long that I couldn't finish it in the given time. It was broken down in six parts, and each part built off the last, so you didn't finish part 2, you couldn't do 3-6! I got stuck at 5.
My guess for my final grade?A-. I completed all the assignments and I didn't screw the final up THAT much...

My second final went okay. Again, knowing that I might get screwed on the written part, I studied more on my definitions and stuff. I actually answered every question on it, so I'm sure I did okay, and what was even better was that the written part was 2/3 of the final, and the programming 1/3, weighing in my favor! So anywho, on the programming part, it was a little frustrating... I did the programming free of i guess what I could consider "compilation" errors, but there was a nasty little logic error in there somewhere, and I couldn't find it! Basically, I did everything programming wise, but it wasn't giving me what I wanted. So I just gave up and turned in what I had... which was about 50% of the grading criteria.

My guess for my final grade?B+. I had a near perfect score for my assignments, and this is the only class that is curved.

My last final... holy HELL! I swear this woman took every single challenging problem from our homework assignments and put them on this 15 question final. It was f-ing HARD! Typical easy/medium questions require a query of about... 4-5 lines. Each of these required about... 10-13 lines of code. It was just madness... After cracking at it for 2.5 hours, I probably finished 9/15 problems. It was not a fun final to take. Heck even 2 people after about 15 minutes, got up, turned in their blank final, and left. It was... argh! So yeah...

My guess for my final grade?C+ I had a strong midterm, but my homeworks were about... 75%... and I don't think the final is going to help me much...

That was my week... pretty much finals. I enjoyed my birthday too... Annie made it the best EVER! hehe!!

Okay... well I'm going to try and relax... I do hope Annie feels better soon... she's got so much going on right now...

UPDATE: SQL grade: C At least I passed....


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