May 21, 2009 14:15
Next week is going to be a really busy week... It'll be okay, since the week after is going to end with an awesome weekend (CF09). Apparently one of the girls on day shift is going to be taking the entire week off, and there was a full week of overtime for the taking. So I got lucky and was able to snag 16 hours of overtime, which will add up to a nice little sum on my next paycheck. Aside from that, I also have a bartending gig in the middle of the week, right after my normal work shift. I was originally looking forward to it, but then I was told that the gig may go all the way to 6am. And after already working a full 8-hour shift, I'd have to be on my feet for another 8 hours, semi-coherent.
So from Tuesday-Friday, I'm most likely going to be a mess, but hey, it's money for the con, so I really can't complain too much. I'll just stock up on 5-hour energies and hope for the best.
In other news, Annie has had no love in the job department. Ever since leaving the foster home (which was for the best) every place has turned her down for one reason or another. Sometimes it makes me think that places are trying to avoid hiring people with experience simply because they are going to cost more to hire. They'll simply hire some joe-shmoe and train them to do what they want rather than pay someone a little more that'll do everything right out of the box. It's ridiculous, I tell you, no wonder us hard-working people can't get a damn break...
Moving right along, things have been kinda stressful for the both of us lately, but I'm really trying my hardest to not let things get to me. I was able to vent out the last ball of stress with a good night of just sitting back, and relaxing with a few drinks (erm... well, try 4 shots of tequila). It really worked wonders, and I've had a really good run since then. But now it's starting to come back, and I really REALLY don't want to resort again to drowning it all out in alcohol. Because guess what, that's where alcoholism starts and I'm not becoming one of those people. That's one of the reasons why I come home from work, and then hop down to play some video games, simply because it's something that I enjoy doing, and there's something absolutely satisfying about blowing up your enemies with a well placed rocket, and then laughing about it afterward. I personally think that Annie's about had it with my slight gaming addiction, but I don't want to turn to the next thing on the list, ... food.
In conclusion... Send some good vibes this way, for both myself and Annie, things might be getting a little tight in the coming weeks and I'd hate to see things become more stressful than they already are. Thank you, my friends, and readers of my journal.