Mar 07, 2009 06:42
... I think I should be going...
I've had that song stuck in my head for about 2 days now, since I had to put together a little presentation for a Segreant that is retiring this week. I decided to use Boston's classic for the background music of the 5 minute show. And since then... the 8 minute song has just been playing over and over in my head... It's a good song, but sheesh, brain, give it a rest.
Things have been slowly moving along here for the past week. Again, nothing too special going on, just logging the hours here at work and spending most of my time at home passed out with Annie or playing TF2 on my computer. Speaking of work though, I got some unfortunate news. It seems that I will not be making that anticipated schedule change that I've been looking forward to for the past 6 months. Things were really looking up these past few weeks because we finally got some new hires that are almost done with their training. But for some crazy reason that is beyond me, the scheduling sergeant told me that none of us are going to be moving shifts in the near future due to cutbacks. I can understand the lack of overtime that's been plaguing the station for the past few months, but this just sucks.
Moving right along, we're all hoping that Annie will have a job soon. She put in an application for an elderly care facility that's based out of an office, as luck would have it, that's located in the same business complex that we live in! So if she gets this position, her home office will essentially be... here, just downstairs in one of the office suites. The reaction to her resume by the company was quite comforting, and they seemed excited to have her interested in the position. So we'll see if this turns into a positive thing... We kind of need the extra money now more than ever!
Moving right along, I did get some good news from the TV this morning. But first, for those who don't know... As people were doing their taxes here in California, they got a very unpleasant surprise instead a refund, in the form of an IOU. Yup, that's right, the "governator" said basically that since the state is in such financial crisis, refunds were going to be on hold for an indefinate amount of time. Well thankfully, according to the local news, the printing presses have been switched to "on" and we should be getting our refunds in the next coming weeks. Thank goodness. That means I'll be able to take a large chunk out of my credit card debt soon!
In health news, it seems that I have been blessed with a very minor cough over the past two days, and it seems to be hitting me hard today, especially. Perhaps it's because of my short nights of sleep and extended work hours that have hindered my normally sturdy immune system, but whatever the case, I'm not feeling 100%. But not to worry! This little bug doesn't seem to be hindering me too much, as I'm still able to operate without feeling like total crap, and it should pass over by Tuesday by my calculations. And to those who may be visiting in the next week, fret not! As this minor setback seems only to be an allergic reaction, and not a nasty, contageous, virus. So all is well! And I should be by next week too!
I guess that's about it for now, as you can see, life for me has just been chugging along without any real setbacks, or excitements. But that will most likely change in the upcoming week, with visits from out of town friends, events where I shall be bartending, and visits to theme parks that feature a mouse... Things are looking up!