[ multichapter ] Blood House II [ original ]

Jun 20, 2010 21:09

Title: Blood House
Author: frostberryjam
Rated: NC-17 (overall)
Fandom: Original.
Warnings: Gayness, smut, blood, violence.
Summary: It's 2010; there's an oil spill threatening to turn the Gulf of Mexico into the Dead Sea, the President is Obama, Simon Cowell finally left American Idol -- and vampires are an accepted part of society.
Evan Banks wants to spend only one night with a vampire, to satisfy a curiosity even he can't explain. One night with the vampire known as Santos however turns out to be far more complicated than Evan ever thought it'd be. Because if there's only one sure truth when it comes to vampires, it's that they all have secrets.
Author Notes: My thanks go to radish_lily for being my beta. Thanks, bb.

Chapter Two

Evan cocked his head, searching for an opening gambit that wouldn't sound stupid. “Any way I can get that in writing?”

The flippant remark earned him a laugh from the vampire. The man moved aside, letting Evan glimpse beyond the doorway into a bathroom with a glass shower stall. Oh, my. That had possibilities.

“A drink?” Santos asked, already on the opposite side of the room. Evan tore his thoughts away from the shower.

“So soon?”

“Not that kind of drink, my friend.” Santos lifted a tumbler and poured two fingers of whiskey from an open bottle, the amber liquid swirling as it settled. He seemed at ease with the room, as if he knew it intimately. The small bar was tucked into a corner, unobtrusive and well stocked, Evan saw. He wasn’t a hard drinker but he knew his liqueurs.

“Oh. Well. You’ve already served, so…”

Santos set the bottle down and crooked a finger for Evan to follow him to the sofa instead of the California King bed in the center of the room. Not without disappointment, Evan took a seat at the end. Santos took the opposite end, facing him, long legs eating the distance negligently.

Evan took the offered drink and sniffed it, trying to gauge how strong it was. He took a tentative sip, trying to focus on that rather than the intense flush spreading across his skin from the intensity of the vampire’s stare.

The burn was good. The whiskey swept down his throat like liquid flames, settling hot in his stomach. Evan inconspicuously palmed an eye, wiping away a hint of a tear. “Fuck, that’s excellent.”

Santos smiled. His accent was untraceable but his swarthy skin and strong features suggested Mediterranean ancestry. Greek or Spanish, maybe. “I’m sure I’ll find out for myself soon.”

“Right.” Evan acknowledged, adjusting still to the fact that he’d be a meal soon, even if that was the intent. His forefinger traced the rim of the glass unconsciously, eyes trailing up the long legs encased in slacks that weren’t loose enough to veil their muscled definition. The perusal jerked to a shameless stop at the bulge tenting the material between Santos’s thighs.

Evan finished the drink, set down the glass on the coffee table and then cupped the bulge with his palm. No underwear, he thought with a rush of pleasure.

“How does this work?” He flat-out asked, palming the plumping erection. Santos had gone still, the vivid green of his eyes adopting a lambent glow. Yet his lips gradually quirked in a teasing line. “If you don’t know how that works, you really shouldn’t be here.”

Evan snorted despite himself, kneeling now between the vampire‘s legs. “I know my way around cocks. Teeth? Not so much.”

“Mmn.” Santos slid down further along the sofa until his head was on the armrest. The cut muscles of his abdomen tensed as he lazily thrust his hips into Evan’s grip. “Fair enough. Why don’t you show me what you know and I’ll return the favor?”

No argument there. Evan had nearly swallowed his tongue when he’d caught a glimpse of his very own vampire hottie. Six hours suddenly seemed too little.

He bent down and nuzzled the vampire’s sternum, not diving in for the prize. Those abs were too damn tempting, and once the pants were off, he wouldn’t have the mind to admire them properly. The tip of Evan’s tongue flicked out, tasting. Santos’s chest was a work of art, strong and masculine without reaching the point of ropey, over bundled muscles.

While Evan traced a meandering path down with his tongue and lips, fingers tunneled into his short blond hair. Santos stroked his scalp with nimble fingertips, down the sides to his neck and nape, leaving little zings of pleasure in their wake. Evan had to stop himself from arching into the soft strokes like a cat.

His fingers suddenly shaky, Evan reached down and unsnapped the top button of the slacks. He bit gently on the sharp line of Santos’s hip and felt man’s cock twitch. So he did it again before retreating, arms braced on Santos’s hips.

“Don’t I get to do anything?” Santos queried. Evan looked up.

“No. Keep your hands to yourself this time.”

Santos sighed and folded his arms behind his head. “My, my. For someone so pretty, you sure act like a dictator.”

Evan blushed at the compliment, and counted to five to keep from stuttering. “Thank you. Now shut up.”

The vampire’s mouth promptly closed. Evan maintained eye contact as the zipper was drawn down, sounding loud in the silence.

He broke the visual connection to see what he’d uncovered. Any doubts he’d had about the man finding him attractive fled. Santos’s cock was fully erect, pressed back against his stomach. It was paler than the rest of him but thick, wrapped in plump veins. Circumcised. It meant Santos probably wasn’t that old.

Evan checked that Santos was keeping his hands out of mischief and then brought out his own surprise. He gripped the hard flesh and curled his tongue around the engorged head, letting the metal stud rub right over the slit.

Santos jerked, the taste of precum hitting Evan‘s buds. “Shit.”

A satisfied chuckle escaped Evan. “I told you I knew my way around cocks.”

“I will never doubt anything you say. Ever again.” Santos exhaled, dark brown hair tumbling over his brow. “More, please.”

How could he deny such a polite request? Questing fingers found the heavy sac still encased in the slacks and brought it out, massaging the orbs inside softly. Evan was feeling in control and it felt good. He nibbled a delicate path down until his nose brushed against pubic hair and then lifted, unable to resist another taste. Lips wrapped around the head and sank down.

Santos made a sound as if someone had punched him in the gut. Evan relished the noise, relished the feel of a cock in his mouth, relished Santos.

He’d never mastered the trick of how to deep throat, so he didn’t try. Instead he used his loose hand to stroke and squeeze what his mouth couldn’t reach even as arousal drew up his spine like mercury in a thermometer. Precum and saliva gleamed down the shaft as Evan reluctantly pulled off. “How fast can you get hard again?”

Santos met his gaze. The green had gone black, blown wide with arousal. The man’s chest was rising unevenly in obvious distress, yet his arms were still behind his head as securely as if they’d been cuffed. “For you?” The vampire’s voice had gone as rough as sandpaper over cement. “I won’t go soft.”

“Wow,” Evan licked his swollen lips, flustered. “That’s a hell of a compliment.” Then he dove down and swallowed Santos again, working his tongue furiously, letting the metal stud rub hard. The thought that Santos would be nailing him to bed soon had whet his appetite. He wanted that. Almost as much as he wanted to feel the man release in his mouth.

Both hands were utilized, squeezing and stroking, playing Santos as if he were an instrument. The small grunts and the one snarl that rent the air were music to his ears. Evan squirmed, at a bad angle, hips tucked up and unable to get any friction. He moaned in discomfort and the vibration set Santos off.

“Evan.” The sound of his name was a warning. He heeded it only to ease up until his lips were firmly sealed around the head. Santos thrust his hips up, nearly dislodging him. Salty cream coated Evan’s tongue and lips, sliding down with a working of his throat. He sucked gently, encouraging more until Santos exhaled and sank into the couch.

Yet, true to his promise, he hadn’t gone soft. Evan blinked and sucked on his lower lip, collecting traces of semen left on it.

“Wow.” He touched the head with gentle fingertips, knowing it would be sensitive. “Won’t ever doubt you again either.”

Santos laughed, the sound as decadent as dark chocolate. “Come here, pretty baby.”

Despite the automatic eye roll at the nickname, Evan crawled up the long body until they were nose to nose. “Pretty baby?”

“Very pretty baby.” Santos purred and took his lips in a kiss. Evan melted despite his own unsatisfied arousal. Most guys he’d met didn’t like kissing after a blowjob. Apparently that wasn’t the issue here; Santos’s tongue slipped into his mouth naturally, exploring every curve and getting intimately reacquainted with Evan’s tongue.

“Mmmn.” Evan moaned and tried to return the favor. He hesitated when he grazed the pointed fangs and then cautiously flicked his tongue against them. They were sharp, yes, but not enough to cut without force being applied. Curiosity satisfied, Evan pulled back. “Blowjob, then kiss. Nice.”

A large hand framed the side of his face. “I would have gotten around to the kissing if you hadn’t started touching me.” Santos nipped his chin, nuzzled the side of his mouth. Evan shivered and ground his hips against the vampire’s abdomen, hungry for more.

“Semantics for later. Now? Bed. Please.” Evan bit out shortly. He scooted back, sitting on Santos’s lap and squirming, letting the man get a taste of his ass.

“Your eyes are such a pretty gray.” Santos gave him a short, hard kiss. “Hold on to me.”

Evan complied and sighed happily as masculine hands gripped him by the seat of his pants. Santos slid to his feet, carrying him easily. Not for a single moment did Evan worry about taking a tumble. Considering he was five foot ten, it was a pleasant change of pace.

The bed sank in just the right way as Santos placed him down and then extricated himself. Evan’s shoes came off. Thank God, finally. Evan began disrobing, tossing articles of clothing and not caring where they landed. The bed was soft, cool, with the right bounce to help him wiggle out of the jeans.

Santos helped where he could, lending a hand, mostly watching with a Cheshire smile. Evan finally noticed when they were both naked. “What?”

“I’ve never had someone so eager to have me.” Santos’s gaze dropped and Evan knew what he was looking at. Once, drunk and stupidly in love, he’d gotten a tattoo. That boyfriend was since long gone and the mistake covered with a round black heart. Santos reached down and ran a finger around it, looking intent. Evan didn’t want to talk about it.

“I thought you were having me.” He said coyly in distraction.

“Mmn. You are on the menu for the night, yes.” Santos stroked his flank and Evan blushed. On the menu, right. He felt a renewed surge of arousal and spread his arms, accepting the powerful body that pressed him into the bed. Santos brushed Evan’s hair back and Evan denied that his heart skipped a beat. Holy hell, Santos was good at making people feel special.

“Time for me to have a taste, mmn?” The vampire said softly and tipped Evan’s head back to bare his neck.

original: blood house, rated: nc-17, original fiction

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