[ multi-chapter ] Take In the Show III [ original ]

May 09, 2010 03:03

Title: Take in the Show III
Author: frostberryjam
Rated: PG (NC-17 overall)
Fandom: Original.
Warnings: May or may not make you laugh inappropriately. Lot of gay. It's original. It's a multi-chapter. There will probably be smut, and swearing, and God knows what else.

Summary: Officer Terry Wells has seen it a dozen times. A cheater gets caught in flagrante delicto and clothing is defenestrated. Yet this case is different. Mr. TV's Sexiest Bachelor is the one being cheated on, and Kaylen Dellington has a deliciously wicked sense of humor when it comes to delivering justice to his ex. Unfortunately for Terry, it doesn't seem to involve a rebound lay.

Author Notes: Chapter 3! My thanks to kitrinathegreat for being my beta once again.

<< Previous Chapters

Chapter ❸
✪ beware of trojan gifts

“What do you want to do with this?” Magda held a box of assorted chocolates in one hand, and an elegantly lush folding fan in the other. Both were the offerings of the day from Jessie in his campaign to weasel back into Kay’s good graces.

Hazel eyes flicked towards each item. “Toss them, burn them, eat them, re-gift them. Dealer’s choice.” The whole thing was starting to grate on his nerves. For a man who’d been balls in deep in someone else when Kay had walked in on them, Jessie seemed unusually determined to get him back.

I’m a good lay, but not that great. He thought wryly as he buttoned a red silk shirt. The leather pants with the strategically placed zippers were next. The fans loved his character. The role of a hedonistic, duplicitous angel whose loyalty to heaven was shady at best had only been meant to be a one-shot character in the first season. Now they were finishing season two and Kay could safely say he wouldn’t be searching for an acting gig any time soon.

Magda tore into the box of chocolates and crammed one into her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully and studied the fan while Kay worked himself into the leather pants. They seemed to get tighter every damn time he slipped into them. He didn’t think he was gaining weight. He did suspect wardrobe was purposefully giving him the smallest pair they could get away with.

“S’kind of bizarre, you know.”


“Like, the chocolates are standard ‘I’m a goddamn bastard, please take me back’ material. But this?” She opened the fan. It uncurled like a flower, delicate and decorated with bright, optimistic colors. It was spun of lace and silk, and Kay had to admit it was a gorgeous piece. “This doesn’t say ‘Jessie’ to me.”

He lifted a shoulder in a helpless shrug. As far as he was concerned, his ex-boyfriend was a shut case.

Unless, of course, Jessie persisted. The whole business was starting to tip over into desperation. Delivered bouquets? Expensive European chocolates? Gifts? Not a single day had passed by without something new being delivered. All of it ended in the trash, or handed out amongst the staff.

Maybe, after a week, Jessie would get the hint already and stop.

“Final shot of the week.” Kay slipped the boots on. “You can have the weekend off. I intend to be busy.”

Magda grinned. “Ah, yes. Your sexy police officer. The one you’re going to teach how to surf. I’d say that’s incredibly generous of you… if that didn’t involve also seeing him half-naked.”

Kay winked at his best friend. “And touching. Can’t forget touching. I plan to do a lot of that.”

Terry briefly considered emptying a can of Red Bull into an IV bag and feeding it directly into his bloodstream. He’d awake since the shrill alarm had beeped at 3 AM. Showering. Eating breakfast. Worrying. Downing more coffee than was good for the human body.

Damn. Kay had him wrapped around his little finger with absolutely no effort except for a smile and two slices of pizza.

In Terry’s defense, it had been excellent pizza.

And that smile and the luscious mouth wielding it hypnotized over ten million viewers each week, so he could be excused for being human.

The Red Bull idea was granted another thirty seconds of wistful consideration before Terry set it aside and thought instead about how he’d been looking forward to this date all week. Sure, he knew was playing around with fire. Kay was a celebrity even if he wasn’t an A-list movie star. Terry understood he ran the risk of his face being slapped on a tabloid magazine.

The threat brought remarkably insignificant concern. Nobody that knew him for more than a day went uniformed that he wasn’t straight. But that wasn’t it -- he just really felt like Kay could be someone worth being close to. Maybe it’d work out into a relationship, maybe not. Maybe Kay was using him as a convenient rebound lay. That was fine.

Terry would enjoy the experience, however it ended.

The thought kept him cheery as he got into the sedan and pulled out of the driveway. The streets were still dark, not even a hint of the blue hour coloring the sky. It was a twenty-five minute drive from Terry’s little slice of suburbia to the apartment building where Kay lived, all the way in Santa Monica.

He stopped at the gates and spoke with the guard, who waved him through after checking his license. The first time he’d been there he’d been on official police business and had been able to skip that part. It didn’t bother him to be checked. He approved, liking it when people took precautions with their safety.

The text Kaylen had sent the night before instructed him to park and then head into the lobby, so Terry did so. He was wearing sandals and baggy swim shorts along with a dark green t-shirt, bag swung over his shoulder. Kay hadn’t specified anything about what to bring so Terry had brought everything -- from sunglasses to sun lotion.

Kay was waiting for him in the empty lobby, his outfit mirroring Terry‘s, except all black. Terry flat out stopped when the actor’s face lit up with delight at his entrance.

“Hey.” The other greeted and extended his hand. Terry shook it and suppressed the urge to pull Kay in for something more intimate than a handshake.

“Hey, yourself. You had any second thoughts?”

Kay blinked. He had the cutest way of being off-put for the briefest of split-seconds before things clicked in his head. “About the surfing, or about dating a guy who probably knows how to tie me up before I took notice?”

It was Terry’s turn to blink stupidly as his entire mental faculty short-circuited. Now there‘s one hell of an image. “Uh. The surfing. Thing. Definitely the surfing thing. But if you want to talk about tying you up…”

“Maybe later.” Kay glanced down at their hands. Terry’s fingers didn’t seem to work anymore; they weren’t letting go.

The issue was resolved by Kay not trying at all to pull free, which was how they ended up holding hands as they walked out of the lobby to a car that impossibly had more sex appeal than its owner.

“You have Lamborghini.” Terry stated the obvious, staring at the car lustfully. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Kay nod as he unlocked the doors remotely.

“My one and only love. It was my grandmother’s gift for my twenty-first birthday.”

Terry whistled and then had to release Kay in order to slide into the passenger seat. “That’s one savvy Grandma.”

Kay shut the door and pulled the seatbelt on. His voice was infused with love when he spoke. “She is at that. She raced cars when she was young. The Fast and the Furious had nothing on her back in the forties. Or so she tells me. I, for one, believe her.”

“Should I say be saying ‘savvy’ or ‘badass’?”

Kay brushed loose strands of hair back from his face, seemingly pleased, and started the car.

Terry oh-so-tactfully asked five minutes into the drive, “Your ex hasn’t bothered you?”

He observed the actor’s tiny, out of sync, exhale. “He initiated a Take Me Back campaign. I’m expecting an aerial message any day now.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Yeah,” Kay‘s laugh was pure mischief. “I am.”

They drove to Santa Monica Beach, which was in the stirrings of twilight as blue permeated the sky. A Sunday with great weather? It’d be packed by 9 AM. Terry divided his attention between the streets and admiring the inside of the car, aware that the cost of it surmounted the combined total of his salary for at least two years.

The beach was lit a hazy blue when the car pulled into a small parking lot. They had circled the area and gone to the farthest point one could go while still in Santa Monica. There were a few people in sight but not within shouting distance. They all seemed to be there for the same thing they were -- surfing.

“Here,” Kay had reached into the backseat for a pair of yellow swim shorts. Terry raised an eyebrow.

“Boardshorts. Those,” Kay’s gaze slid down with excruciating slowness to his groin. “are likely to slip off if we take a tumble in the waves.”

Terry examined them, aware that if the staring went on any longer he’d be giving something for Kay to stare at. “You expect me to shed my virginal modesty and get butt-nekkid?”

“I promise not to look.” Kay offered innocently and then turned, pulling a surfboard from the back. It was short but it still took some careful maneuvering on Kay’s part not to smack Terry with the tail. The driver’s door closed, the board was propped against the window and the trunk popped open. While Kay was busy rifling with whatever was back there, Terry fingered the shorts.

“But I wanted you to look.” He mourned and then got down to business, kicking off the sandals.

They fit well. Comfortably. Terry got out of the car with his bag in time to see Kay remove his shirt and drop it in the trunk.

He stopped and stared for so long that Kay’s face adopted a flush. “It’s nothing you can’t see on the show.”

“Yes. But here I get to touch it.” Terry paused a beat. “I mean, if you let me.”

Kay picked something from the trunk. Sun lotion. “How about… you do me and I’ll do you? And yes, I’m aware that was a poor double entendre.”

“Sounds like the best idea I’ve heard all week.” Terry put his hand out in a ‘gimme’ motion. Kay popped the cap, squeezed a generous dollop into his palm and surrendered it. Obviously the actor wasn’t going to let him do the front.


The scent of coconut and something sharper, sweeter, mixed the sea air. Terry warmed the cool mixture and then rested his hands on Kay’s shoulders. His skin was warm and tanned, muscles shifting subtly under Terry’s touch. They were almost the exact same height, barely half an inch of difference, which tempted Terry to just plunk his chin down on Kay’s shoulder and nuzzle that golden-brown hair.

Temptation got the boot while his hands began moving. He didn’t linger too much, almost businesslike. Had to keep it businesslike, they were in public, even though the beach was almost deserted.

“Should we start the awkward exchange of information now?” Kay proposed, almost done with the lotion, sliding a hand across his nape.

“Sure.” Terry agreed, even though he already knew the basic facts of Kay’s life. It might not be polite, but he hadn’t hesitated for one second to pop Kaylen’s name into Google. He knew Kaylen preferred dogs over cats, was born in Louisiana and raised in Milwaukee, and was a single child. He also knew all of his vital stats but didn’t mind hearing them from the man himself. “Tell me everything.”

Kay cast a look over his shoulder. “Everything?”


“I believe in aliens.”

“Gray-skinned, big-headed kind, or small green men?”

They shared a grin and the bottle changed hands again. It was Terry’s turn to remove his shirt. Kay admirably eyed his chest and then started working on his back.
“Not that kind of alien. It may not be a hot chick who needs human males to repopulate her planet, or a giant insect that needs a quick snack, but something. I just find it absurd to think that somewhere in the entire universe some kind of life form doesn’t exist. Humans can’t be the only ones to hit the jackpot.”

“Fair enough. I, personally, can’t wait for the hot guy alien.” Terry stared down at the pavement, hyperaware of Kaylen’s smooth strokes over his back. “What else?”

“On the contrary; your turn. Tell me something scandalous about Terrence Wells.”

“Scandalous? Me?” Terry’s smile spread as the man’s hands rested on his hips briefly before they slipped away. “Sorry, I’m a fuddy-duddy. Nothing scandalous has ever happened in my life.”

“Lucky you.”

… whoops, had they just run over a pothole? Lucky you. Terry supposed it was something related to the downfalls of being famous. “What next?”

“Put your shirt back on. Novices sometimes get rashes from friction with the board. I‘d hate to see that happen to you.” Kay closed the trunk of the car after indicating Terry should drop his bag in, then fetched the surfboard. It was glazed blue-green with wave patterns on it. Terry tugged the shirt back on and followed. The sand was pleasant to step onto, retaining the coolness of the night.

“We’ll stretch a bit before getting into the water. May I assume you know CPR?” The surfboard was pinned into the sand.

Terry nodded.

“Good.” Kay lifted his arms and stretched. “Your turn.”

“How old are you?” That was as brilliant as his brain could get at the moment. The majority of his attention span was fixated on enjoying the view. The lotion added a gleam to Kay’s skin as he bent from side to side, working muscles loose.

“Twenty-six. You?”

“Twenty-seven. You surf a lot?”

“I do. I spend at least two days a month on a surfboard. It’s part of how I keep in shape.”

“Part of? Don’t tell me you’re a gym monkey.” Terry watched as the first blush broke over the horizon. He stretched his calves, easing into the exercise.

“Yoga and Krav Maga keep me too busy to be a gym monkey.”

Terry stopped. “For serious?”

Kay scored him with a smoky side glance. “Hard to believe?”

“No… well, more like I’m suddenly understanding how you punted your ex out the door when he had thirty pounds on you.” Was it a bad sign that Jessie resurfaced in their conversation again? Terry met the actor’s hazel eyes, appreciating the gleam of intelligence in them, searching past that for a sign that Kay wasn’t over the big hulking blond.

“And his friend. Don’t forget that. In the spirit of humility, they were rather meek until the point the door closed. They were operating on the erroneous illusion that I‘d ‘come to my senses‘ before locking the door.” Kay smiled coolly. “Their mistake.”

“Remind me not to get on your bad side. Will you use your deadly Krav Maga on me if I call you adorable?”

“Hold on off on that. Your opinion may change when at the end of the day you have a palette of bruises.” Kay picked up the surfboard and walked towards the water, leaving his sandals in the sand.

“I doubt it.” Terry murmured, kicked off his own sandals and followed.

original: take in the show, original fiction, rated: pg

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