[ ficlet ] English [ Turkey/Greece, Hetalia ]

Apr 02, 2010 19:05

Title: English
Author: frostberryjam
Rated: G
Pairing: Turkey/Greece (Axis Powers Hetalia)
Warnings: None.
Summary: Turkey goes home with a gift.
Author Notes: Written for sadlygrove. Turkey/Greece -- ways to say ‘I love you’.

The feathery softness against his cheek gave Greece a start, yanking him out of an easy sleep. He blinked, slit-eyed enough to see a lot of pink. Hot, nauseatingly bright pink, the sort never found in nature, utterly fabricated, and glaringly noticeable, even if was all an nondescript blob of something in his line of vision.

Greece stared, bemused.

“Ya gonna keep on snoring’?”

The voice’s owner was unexpected. Apparently Turkey was back early from his trip. Greece swallowed to wet his throat, sounding drowsy and husky. “You have a reason why I shouldn‘t?”

The fuzzy pink thing got closer, the ticklish softness brushing over his nose. Greece lifted his head from a pillow of crossed arms and stared blearily as the pink thing morphed into a small teddy bear with a white tummy and long snout. Held, incongruously, in a dark hand with long fingers that he knew well. Greece studied it with building curiosity and slowly lifted his gaze to Turkey’s.

“You bought yourself a teddy bear.”

Turkey’s teeth flashed in a smile. “Not me, idiot. It’s for you.”

The insult glided off him like water on a rock. Greece merely tilted his head. “Why?”

“Well --” Knuckles fluttered against the side of his jaw, warm. When they retreated the teddy bear had been left in the cradle of Greece’s still-crossed arms. “’cuz you’re always grabbing on to me when we’re sleeping so I thought… well, ya obviously need something to hold on to when I’m not here.” Turkey’s smugness was a near tangible thing.

Choosing not to argue about who grabbed who in bed, Greece picked up the stuffed toy. It sat in the palm of his hand and stared at him with shiny, sewed on button eyes. There was stitching on the white fur of the stomach, in English. He squinted. “… why is it pink?”

“That’s all they had in the airport gift shop. Why, not manly enough for the guy that takes it up the ass?”

Greece felt his mouth quirk in a reluctant smile. “You know this says ‘I love you’ in English, right?”

“Does it?” Turkey suddenly turned away, stretching. Red deepened the back of his neck. “Whatever. Throw it away if you don’t want it. I’m gonna go unpack. Why don’tcha stop sleeping on the table and get me some dinner.”

Greece’s quiet snort could have been fairly construed as ‘fuck you’. Turkey laughed low in his throat, picked up the duffle bag from beside the door and vanished into the bedroom.

Thumb brushing over the stitched words on the toy‘s stomach, Greece smiled faintly.

He knew Turkey could read English as well as he could.

hetalia: turkey/greece, type: ficlet, hetalia, rated: g

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