[ oneshot ] Good Boys Get Rewards [ Rome/Spain ]

Oct 12, 2009 14:33

Title: Good Boys Get Rewards
Author: frostberryjam
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Rome/Spain
Warnings: Ridiculously bad, filthy smut. Kinkiness all over the place. Bad writing. AU. Shota. Total PWP. May not actually be healthy for you to even skim. Seriously. Run away. Now.
Summary: The school doctor certainly does have an unique bedside manner.
Author Notes: Written for a commentfic meme that kind of exploded. Moral of the story; Berry will rarely be able to write real commentfic. Written for youkofujima. <-- blame it all on her.

Meme code answer: EAC: Rome/Spain / AU! School staff/student / Blindness.

“I’m sorry to disturb you during lunch but is Spain here?”
“Oh.” The man leaned against the doorway, casually blocking the view of the infirmary with the wide shoulders of someone who had spent his teenage years playing violent, competitive sports. “Yes. He has a fever and is sleeping it off. I’ll send him back to class when he wakes up.”

Belgium shook her head, curls gently bobbing against her cheeks. There was a faint buzzing sound in the background, low under the white noise of the building‘s A/C system. “Oh, no. No. Send him home when he awakens. He shouldn’t be in class if he’s sick. I’ll write a note to administration excusing his absence.”

Rome’s lips spread into a smile. “Yes. That would be best. Have a good day, Belgium.” He watched as the teacher graced him with a sugary-sweet smile and then walked down the hall of the international elementary, gripping little Prussia’s ear when she found him loitering outside of class with what looked like firecrackers. “They’re not mine, I swear they’re Hong Kong’s!”

He closed the door. Locked it, feeling the tumblers click shut under his fingertips. Then he pivoted and walked across the room until he reached the bed and pushed open the white curtain that had been keeping it out of the woman’s view.

The tiny buzz grew louder as Spain flinched and squirmed nervously at the woosh of the curtains, mouth parted in silent pants. The doctor leaned over to wipe away the sweaty strands from the boy’s forehead, admiring his handiwork. The vivid red blindfold complimented the boy’s flushed tanned skin and dark hair perfectly, even though it was a pity that the lovely green eyes and long eyelashes were covered.

“I’m proud of you.” Rome complimented, rubbing his knuckles against a blushing cheek, wedding band likely cold against such hot skin. He reached with his other hand to test the knot that kept the boy’s left wrist tied to the metal frame of the bed, and the other knot that bound the right wrist to the boy’s ankle. He continued his exploration, going to the third and final piece of rope that tied the other leg to the foot of the bed. “You didn’t make a single sound.”

“N-no.” Spain stuttered, knowing he’d rather bite through his lips first before letting his teacher find him like that. He shivered as the calloused fingertips ran over his trembling thighs, trying futilely to see through the blindfold. He squeaked and nearly bounced his hips off the bed as Rome reached between his legs and gripped the base of the vibrator, twisting it and setting off a riot of white sparks up Spain’s spine.

The slender boy flopped back on the bed, gasping for breath. The thread count of the sheets at his back was high but they still abraded his overly sensitive skin as Rome kissed his cheek, drawing out the sex toy and replacing it with two longer fingers before the ache of emptiness could be felt. “You didn’t come either.” The other remarked, sounding pleased.

Spain shook his head ‘no, I was good, I did everything you asked me to’ and then he smiled before Rome‘s lips settled on his. He opened his mouth promptly under the heavy, drugging kiss, wishing his hands weren’t tied so that he could wrap them around the doctor’s neck. He felt the man’s lab coat brush against his legs, the bed dipping under the additional weight -- and moaned as those knowing fingers began thrusting in and out of him. Better than the vibrator, better than his own fingers when he got lonely at night.

“Not so loud.” Rome murmured against his mouth with a smirk. “Do you want me to gag you as well?”

Spain’s mouth flattened petulantly. Rome chuckled and added a third finger, pleased that the boy was still tight even after being fucked with the vibrator. Speaking of that… his gaze dropped to the toy discarded on the sheet, the rubbery plastic glossy still with oil. He picked it up and hummed thoughtfully.

He flipped the switch and Spain tensed as the buzzing resumed.
“Wait, no, not again--” The boy protested, thinking he was going to be left tied up with the thing twitching and trembling inside of him.

“Shh.” Rome curled his fingers, massaging the boy’s prostrate for a few seconds. Spain mewled with frustration, small cock red and weeping with precum. Their ‘endurance’ sessions of the past six months had certainly paid off. He brought the toy down to press against Spain’s cock, watching as the boy’s lips parted at the vibrating surface brushing down his length.

“Don’t come.” He warned sternly, moving the toy up to kiss the belly button lewdly and then rolled it around one nipple. He couldn’t resist leaning down to kiss the other one, drawing the nub into his mouth and sucking on it, careful not to leave a mark. He regretted being unable to leave behind the bruises and teeth marks that he wanted to but that would immediately raise questions and his fun little game (as well as the lover he had dedicated so much time training) would come to an end.

Spain murmured his name unconsciously, face turning from side to side impatiently, thwarted by the secure blindfold. Rome’s fingers had gone still while his tongue paid due worship to the boy’s nipples, nipping gently with his teeth and then switching targets. He tasted the oil that the vibrator left behind as he licked, and it really had no flavor to it. He reminded himself to get something more ‘fun’ for the next time. Flavored.

“Noooooo…” Spain moaned, wiggling against the bonds and trying to push back on Rome’s fingers. Tears were beginning to soak out from under the blindfold. Rome chuckled. “You want something filling you, don’t you, little boy?”

“Yes!” Spain snapped, exasperated. Rome looked down at the vibrator in his hand. It was a small replica of a penis, barely half his length when he was hard. (and he was hard, beginning to get impatient himself no matter how much he enjoyed torturing his favorite lover.) He liked it because it gave enough preparation to ease the way but wasn’t quite enough.

He turned off the vibrating function and instructed; “Open your mouth.”

Spain did, although his eyebrows were snapped together in desperation.

Rome slid the vibrator past the parted lips until the base was the only thing that remained visible. Spain inhaled sharply and protested around the fake cock in his mouth, realizing with some horror that it was the thing that had been up his ass. All he could taste as his tongue moved thickly against the foreign object was rubber and oil, trying to push it out.

Rome sat back on his legs and then simply stared, letting the image sink in. He touched the hand tied to the ankle, which twitched in fury and panic as Spain attempted to spit out the vibrator without choking himself.

Rome inhaled and then unzipped his slacks, the sound going unnoticed by the preoccupied youth. He wore no underwear because he never did, and his cock felt wonderful as it was allowed freedom. He gave it a fond stroke and reached for the bottle of oil that he had used earlier, opening it up and using the last of it to rub over his length slowly, still admiring the view.

If it had been someone else, he would have used a condom. He was a doctor, after all, and knew the risks. But he also knew he was clean, and nobody but he touched Spain (he might not be able to risk leaving marks but Spain was aware of who he belonged to.) and it was worth the risk to sink into that tight heat barebacked.

He did just that, gripping his cock with a hand and gripping Spain’s hip with the other, settling between his spread legs and pushing inside in a slow, inexorable push. The boy froze, barely breathing as inch by inch the man moved deeper into him, shifting to grip Spain with both hands until he was completely in.

Rome breathed harshly, staring down at Spain’s stressed features. He could tell that sharp little teeth were biting down on the vibrator from how tense the boy’s jaw was. He leaned down and kissed his forehead in a mockery of tenderness. “Do you want me to pull out?”

Spain shook his head once and breathed, the tension bleeding from his shoulders. Rome examined him carefully and then reached down to unravel the knot that tied the boy’s wrist to his ankle. More tension dissipated and the almost unbearable tightness around his cock eased. Rome rubbed the slender ankle with apologetic fingers and allowed Spain to cautiously reach up with his newly freed hand to pull the vibrator out of his mouth.

It came away with strings of saliva and vicious teeth marks that the rubber wouldn’t recover from. Spain dropped it on the bed but knew better than to reach for the blindfold, instead reaching up instead to grip Rome’s shoulder, fingers digging into the coat.

Rome moved the coltish leg, urging it to wrap around him. Spain obediently took the hint, grabbing hold of him. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of the doctor’s face as he planted his hand next to the boy’s head for balance and then drew his hips back to push back in with a smooth thrust, setting the rhythm. He smiled down, more a baring of teeth, at Spain’s strained expression, small mouth open in a breathless ‘oh’ as he fought not to come.

Spain was adorably flushed and pushed to the brink of all that he could take, tears still seeping through the blindfold. Rome was deliberate and meticulous as he drove himself in repeatedly, aware that he could maintain balance on that near-painful edge where the pleasure was like a lit match to dry tinder. He was equally conscious that Spain had long ago hit that point.

He reached down and gripped the youth’s length, squeezing and running his thumb over the head. Spain choked and buried his face into his neck, needing nothing more to spurt wetly into his hand but Rome continued stroking as well as thrusting. He turned his face to rub his cheek against the curly, messy hair and quickened his pace, making the small bed shake.

Rome closed his eyes and rode out his orgasm when it came, choosing not to fight it as Spain lay under him panting and trembling. He gripped the boy’s thigh too hard, almost smothering him into the bed.

Spain bit his lip to keep from squeaking as a good deal of Rome’s weight came on top of him. He felt the warm wetness spreading inside him, the one thing he wasn’t sure that he liked, and cautiously began petting the doctor’s hair with his free hand, soothingly, fancying that both their hearts were beating a mile a minute.

Rome chuckled and propped himself up on his elbows, carefully pulling out of the small body. He tiredly undid the last two knots and then stroked Spain’s legs, taking a moment that he admitted was kind of sick to just enjoy seeing what he’d done to the boy. Semen began to drip on the sheets from the well-used hole and he absently wiped his own hand on the bed, seeing as he was going to have to change the bedding anyway.

He examined his dirtied hand briefly, realizing he probably should have taken the wedding ring off because now he’d have to wash it carefully with soap. He shrugged off the stray thought and then finally undid the blindfold.

Spain’s sooty, long eyelashes were dark and wet with tears, his pupils wide from the imposed blindness as he opened his eyes and looked up at him.

Rome waited.

Spain smiled at him sleepily and closed his eyes again.

Rome put his head down on the boy’s chest and laughed.

hetalia: rome/spain, what the fudge was i thinking, rated: nc-17, commentfic, hetalia

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