Title: Ten Letters E-mails from Neku to Joshua
frostberryjamRating: PG for foul language.
Pairing: Hints of Joshua/Neku. (Possibly one-sided.)
Warnings: End-of-game spoilers, kind of sad, very short.
Summary: Neku writes ten e-mails to Joshua. Post game.
Author Notes: I was bored, and restless. This was actually meant to be funny. Turned out wistful, a little angry, and not-so-funny. For extra visual, Neku’s of course, using his cellphone.
The Wildkat is gone; they're building something new there, erasing all traces of Mr. H.
777 is gone. His fans are upset about that. They held candlelight vigils the first week.
This e-mail isn’t going to go anywhere. The address bar is empty.
No. Wait.
I typed in the.composer@shibuya.com. So it’s not blank anymore.
As if that’s any better.
Tl; dr; you’re never going to get this.
Because you’re an ass who only does what he wants, when he wants to, and damn everyone else. Did you ever even --
Fuck it. I’m pressing send.
I can’t believe the mail daemon didn’t bounce it back to me.
Odds are I just e-mailed a total stranger.
Odds are I’m e-mailing a total stranger.
Because this is an e-mail. To you.
You’d smirk if you were reading this, right? Or maybe you'd put your hand under your chin and tilt your head, letting your eyes do all the smirking.
I know you too well.
Except I don’t.
And that fucking drives me nuts.
I don’t know you at all.
(Who'd ever think I'd want to?)
Mail daemon still not bouncing back E-mails. Almost feel bad for whoever is getting these. Except if they want it to stop, all they have to do is block me.
Or tell me off.
Why me?
Not gonna answer, are you?
Being dead made my life better. I’ll admit that, although you can still point that gun at yourself and pull the trigger for shooting me twice.
I have a girlfriend now. No; not Shiki. She has her eye on… someone else. Not that you care.
And not Rhyme, either. Don’t be annoying.
Better grades. Friends. My parents would be amazed, if they bothered to notice.
Still not thanking you.
Still think you’re a selfish ass. And I know a thing or two about those.
Waited by Hachiko today. Saw two girls using Reaper Creeper. Saw them freak out as the coin moved by itself.
Wondered if the whole Reaper Creeper thing was your invention.
You probably give terrible advice.
Saw someone that kind of looked like you.
Broke up with girlfriend. Says I don’t communicate enough.
I wonder if I write her e-mails like these, she’ll change her mind?
It's not really worth the effort.
Applied for a foreign exchange program. I’ve been doing well in Foreign Language. Seems easier after handling a hundred Psych pins.
If I’m accepted, I’ll be in Germany by the summer.
I have this sense that I need to leave.
Shiki’s angry. Says I’m running away. From what, I asked her. She told me to ask you.
What am I running away from?
You’re not even here.
You’re not even getting these messages.
Got accepted. Almost packed. Parents expressed surprise that I was leaving.
Beat insists we steal beer and get drunk to celebrate.
Beat’s taken too many falls without a helmet.
Saying goodbye feels stupid. You’ve never answered a single mail, if you are getting them.
Bye, Josh.
Don’t destroy Shibuya while I’m gone.