Busted rules!

Nov 21, 2003 12:20

Hooray!!! Bought the busted album two days ago and haven't stopped listening to it since! It is a great album! The songs are real infectious...yeah!!! and HMV gave free Busted badges and the album also came with a limited edition 2004 calendar...how COOL is that? But, the local version left out TWO songs!!! GRRRRR...and they are FANTASTIC songs...I mean if you wanna leave out songs, at least leave out the 2 that I don't really fancy...WHY??? Never mind, at least the official webby site lets us listen to all songs in full...so...not so bad after all...

Oh yeah, i also bought Britney's new album. At first, it was not very good, but after listening to it a few times, it sounded better...she has gotten SEXIER...somehow i think they airbrushed the pictures, cos when i saw a recent pisture, she was FAT!!! 1 thing i have gotta say 'bout this album is that the order the tracks were put were not good, like all fast and not-so-good songs were put in front and the slower and nice songs were at the back...the producer should have mixed them up...

Anyway back to my main point, BUSTED RULES!!! this album ROCKS! They have once again managed to string out another fantastic list of songs...keep it up!!! This album gets...5 stars! ( I will give Britney's album 3.5...)
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