barbarian or psionicist?

Mar 16, 2005 17:07

ok so i took this test twice, because i didnt want to be what i got first, and a lot of the questions didnt have an answer that i liked... so here they are... i do think it's funny how different they are from each other!


You scored 22 Holy, 33 Tactful, 42 Natural, and 40 Arcane!

You sir or ma'am, are a terror to behold. Ruthless and guileless, unprincipled and unrestrained, you feel that obstacles are best reduced to rubble regardless of whether the obstacle be a door, a law, or a person. Little patience, and even less foresight, you are a formidible enemy, but you can easily be outmanuevered. You're great if you have people that can direct your energies, but I wouldn't suggest going it alone even if you CAN singlehandedly take on the entire enemy force. Find a rogue or a wizard that you can trust (good luck with that) to make sure that you *should* first.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender

You scored higher than 40%
on Godliness

You scored higher than 10%
on Tact

You scored higher than 15%
on Harmony

You scored higher than 40%
on Arcane

Link: The Which D & D Class am I Test written by effataigus on Ok Cupid


You scored 15 Holy, 49 Tactful, 37 Natural, and 55 Arcane!

Your eye flutters for a second and the world loses focus... when clarity returns you realize that the only person in the room who wasn't knocked unconscious is holding his temples and writhing on the ground. Nobody knows what you just did, even you, but you know it happened because you made it happen. You have taught reality that your desires are more important than it's fickle laws (or you can, rather). You are one of the rare psionicists, the masters of mind over matter. Your approach to problems is a rare blend of intuition, force of personality, and careful planning. You're all right in a fight, but can really hold your own only once you've stacked the laws of this universe on your side. Thankfully, with practice, you can do this with ease. Hmm, my guess is that you're a bit lacking ethically speaking however... just a guess though, creep.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender

You scored higher than 8%
on Godliness

You scored higher than 44%
on Tact

You scored higher than 2%
on Harmony

You scored higher than 68%
on Arcane

Link: The Which D & D Class am I Test written by effataigus on Ok Cupid

i would do that link thing, but i'm internet retarded and dont know how... so i'm sorry for taking up so much room :/
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