Dear Fred Durst,
If you are going to video tape your ugly ass fucking some chick, make sure she is hot, you don't show your ugly ass face, fuck her in the ass and cum on her face. Come to think of it, a donkey punch would have been funny to see.
K, Thanks for the show Fred.
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I'm compiling a simple little chart of cloth diaper options to help n00bies understand what goes with what, etc, etc, you know what I mean?
But as charts often have, it has a little blank corner in the top left corner that is DYING to be filled with something clothlovable!
butterflyberry pointed me to this pic of yours:
and I tihnk it would be perfect! Would it be alright if I used it?
Ignore the fact that it's TOTALLY not done, lol. I have to take pictures of my own stash to replace the placeholders that I snatched from the webz
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