So most of these are actually pretty old since they were made for the 7th round of
turbo_rumble and the 1st round of
farscapelims (where I got the third place btw! Yay! :D).
Fandoms included:
BTVS (23 + 3 alts)
Farscape (26 + 6 alts)
Game of Thrones (12 + 1 alt)
StarGate SG1 (4 + 2 alts)
Lost (6 + 1 alt?)
BattleStar Galactica (3 + 1 alt)
Prison Break (1)
The Big Bang Theory (1)
The Fiftfh Element (1)
The Vampire Diaries (1)
Supernatural (1)
Lady GaGa (1)
~Dollhouse (1)
* Take any you want, credit if you want to
* I have huge appreciation for each and every comment :)
* Concrit is welcome
Resources* Hotlinking = noooooo
I tried to really read the concrits I got and make new versions based on them, unless I really disagreed with the feedback. At turbo_rumble I got a lot of awesome feedback that helped me improve the icons. At farscapelims I didn't really get a lot of negative votes and the ones I did get I usually didn't agree with, so I decided to make improvements mostly just based on my own opinions. Sometimes it's just something very subtle like sharpening or slightly changing the colors so no, I didn't accidentally put the same icons here twice :) Also this post contains all the various alts I had for these comms, since I stress about this sort of things so much that I usually end up making 2-5 candidates for each theme/challenge!
The theme of the rumble was old days icons and of course I took it waaaay too literally and made some of my icons look really really dated, like they were literally made in 2006-2009. UGH. I hate especially 6 and 9 with fiery, fiery passion. I like the remade versions a lot better though, they just wouldn't have really fit the challenges :p gah, I'm kinda embarrassed about this but hey everyone is stupid sometimes right ;D and some of the more modern ones actually did pretty well so overall a positive experience!
And since this is an icon dump, I dumped a lot of other icons here too, especially ones made for
whedon_elite (some are really old, I've forgotten to post them anywhere o.O), the two icon battles at
icon_talk, various flash comms and some random things made for no particular reason.
Also, I participated in the icon_talk Ask The Maker thingy, so if there's any tutorial or general questions you'd like then go there. (Farscape friends: yes I know I have all of those promised tutorials from earlier but this time I know I must really take the time to make them cause it's a more public embarrassment this time if I don't so yeah this will work ok! :D if you want you can even go there with the same icons you requested then, or something newer that might be better?)
Ask The Maker ||
My Thread First, the turbo_rumble icons:
Main set:
(Buffy x4, Farscape)
(GoT x2, StarGate sg1 x2, Lost)
New versions:
(BSG, Buffy, Got x 3)
(Prison break, StarGate sg1, The Big Bang Theory, Farscape)
and farscapelims: (all Farscape, naturally :) )
The ones I submitted:
New versions:
Icon_talk two battles:
1) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2) Game of Thrones
Random icons for other comms/no comm at all:
(Farscape x3, Star Trek, StarGate)
(Lost, The Fiftf Element, The Vampire Diaries, GoT, Lady GaGa)
(Supernatural, Buffy x 4)
(All Buffy from now on except also Dollhouse in 80)