I REMEMBER SO MANY OF THE POSTS THESE ICONS CAME FROM. Watching your icons grow and change throughout the year was definitely a highlight for me, you're style has become so wonderfully unique, and I love seeing your take on it (lol at your monthly titles) because to me, I can definitely see how you've refined everything rather than jumped around places. I mean, there were moments of absolute exploration, which is so incredibly inspiring to be honest, but towards the end you definitely took charge of your skills and honed in on several aspects more so than others.
You clearly rock 'grunge' all over the place though - but I love how you can switch between dark, muted and vibrant so effortlessly. I think it boils down to the way you can use textures to compliment your colouring so beautifully. I am incredibly impressed that you did an entire 20in20 set WITHOUT textures though (I had to make one icon and pretty much cried myself into a ball of fear before going there) annnnnd a set that had text as a claim. That is impressive indeed.
I appreciate your icon resolutions as well, and can't wait to see where the 'experiment' portion takes you, mainly because the icons you picked from November slay me with their amazing crops, so if that's any indication of where you will go I am VERY excited. I'm also here to say that no matter the length of the comment from you (one sentence or longer) it will always be appreciated. I think sometimes people get too invested in length of comments etc, and forget that in the end the person took time to make the comment and that's what counts to most. You are beyond generous enough with your comments as is!
In any case, THIS POST IS FULL OF MAGIC. And reminds me of how much I have truly enjoyed watching your style grow & change throughout the year ♥
OMG, ALL THIS IS THE BEST POSSIBLE THING TO HEAR. I'm glad you've enjoyed watching the process, even when I was making complete icon messes - I love that you see value even in those stages. And wow, I love that you see more logic in my progress/constant style changes than I do.
Another thing I'm just SO glad of is that you seem to approve of my texture addiction and even call it a strength! I always worry about if and when it's too much, so this really made my day. And yeah, both the textureless and the text sets happened just because it just bugs me if I know I'm bad at something, so I do this counterintuitive thing where I focus on improving my weaknesses rather than highlighting my strengths and taking them further. It might be a bit stupid cause it leads to sets that aren't as good quality as they could have been, had I taken the other option, but then again I always love challenging myself so I don't know if this strategy will continue this year or not, we'll see!
Glad you like the resolutions! I'll just have to keep them clearly in mind, cause the center crop + negative space happens so freaking automatically when I'm not thinking. Oh and major thanks for the commenting encouragement too, I know people should - logically thinking - appreciate a short comment better than no comment at all. But then I start worrying that if I leave just one sentence, they'll think 'what, doesn't this john_scorpy person usually leave much more in-depth comments, guess he didn't like my set much then' and in the end the comment will be more of a disappointment than not getting one at all would have been. But then again I may be thinking too much again, and people might actually have better things to obsess over than the length of some random person's comments. Also it's really good to hear that you at least don't see it like that (still, comments to you are far from the first thing I'd cut content from - I'm mostly thinking of entries I 'have to' comment on, in 20in20s and such, and also really big posts like battles where I usually don't even know where to begin).
Thanks again for taking the time to take a look at a post like this, it's really appreciated and an unexpected treat considering the size of this thing!
You clearly rock 'grunge' all over the place though - but I love how you can switch between dark, muted and vibrant so effortlessly. I think it boils down to the way you can use textures to compliment your colouring so beautifully. I am incredibly impressed that you did an entire 20in20 set WITHOUT textures though (I had to make one icon and pretty much cried myself into a ball of fear before going there) annnnnd a set that had text as a claim. That is impressive indeed.
I appreciate your icon resolutions as well, and can't wait to see where the 'experiment' portion takes you, mainly because the icons you picked from November slay me with their amazing crops, so if that's any indication of where you will go I am VERY excited. I'm also here to say that no matter the length of the comment from you (one sentence or longer) it will always be appreciated. I think sometimes people get too invested in length of comments etc, and forget that in the end the person took time to make the comment and that's what counts to most. You are beyond generous enough with your comments as is!
In any case, THIS POST IS FULL OF MAGIC. And reminds me of how much I have truly enjoyed watching your style grow & change throughout the year ♥
Another thing I'm just SO glad of is that you seem to approve of my texture addiction and even call it a strength! I always worry about if and when it's too much, so this really made my day. And yeah, both the textureless and the text sets happened just because it just bugs me if I know I'm bad at something, so I do this counterintuitive thing where I focus on improving my weaknesses rather than highlighting my strengths and taking them further. It might be a bit stupid cause it leads to sets that aren't as good quality as they could have been, had I taken the other option, but then again I always love challenging myself so I don't know if this strategy will continue this year or not, we'll see!
Glad you like the resolutions! I'll just have to keep them clearly in mind, cause the center crop + negative space happens so freaking automatically when I'm not thinking. Oh and major thanks for the commenting encouragement too, I know people should - logically thinking - appreciate a short comment better than no comment at all. But then I start worrying that if I leave just one sentence, they'll think 'what, doesn't this john_scorpy person usually leave much more in-depth comments, guess he didn't like my set much then' and in the end the comment will be more of a disappointment than not getting one at all would have been. But then again I may be thinking too much again, and people might actually have better things to obsess over than the length of some random person's comments. Also it's really good to hear that you at least don't see it like that (still, comments to you are far from the first thing I'd cut content from - I'm mostly thinking of entries I 'have to' comment on, in 20in20s and such, and also really big posts like battles where I usually don't even know where to begin).
Thanks again for taking the time to take a look at a post like this, it's really appreciated and an unexpected treat considering the size of this thing!
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