Sorry for the spam, I know I just posted icons! But these weren't finished yet then. Why do I finish everything at the last minute? :P
Doctor Who 12
Farscape 2
Prison Break 1
StarGate sg1 1
Star Trek TOS 1
Star Wars 1
Terra Nova 1
The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1
Gravitation 1
This first set is for
a_mused and it's a really quickly made one as the Scales round was already almost over when I got in. I chose challenge 5, Everyone in this Bar, which was to icon your top 12 character (or celeb, but for me it's always character) crushes in ranked order. I miiiight have a ton of these (typical Libra then I guess :D) so the challenge was perfection.
I wanted my first set for the comm to be cohesive and all, but looks like my inspiration just took me in all kinds of random directions so it's pretty much all over the place stylewise ._.
LOOKING AT THIS LIST I FEEL LIKE I MAY POSSIBLY NEED A SHRINK OR SOMETHING? :P seriously there are maybe three or four half decent people/aliens on the list. but hey what is fandom for if not the stuff that's out of bounds irl :D
1: Simm!Master (Doctor Who)
2: Scorpius (Farscape)
3: Faith Lehane (BTVS)
4: 10th Doctor (Doctor Who)
5: T-Bag (Prison Break)
6: Sikozu (Farscape
7: Teal'c (StarGate sg1)
8: Spock (Star Trek)
9: Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
10: Dr. Frank-N-Furter (The Rocky Horror Picture Show)
11: Tohma Seguchi (Gravitation) ugh I can't icon anime I just can't D: D: o.O after my sorry attempt I have even more respect now to those who can!
12: Mira (Terra Nova)
And this set is for
theiconquest, for Side Quest 1 of shapter 1,
the color palette one. It's for the Hero palette and all Doctor Who ^^ these are a bit old actually as I made most of them at the same time with or before the last iconquest entry, just didn't want to clutter that post even more so I saved them for a smaller post like this.
* Take any you want, credit if you want to
* I have huge appreciation for each and every comment :)
* Concrit is welcome
Resources* Hotlinking = noooooo