
Jun 26, 2006 19:16

This baby is never coming out. No, I'm not due 'til the 3rd, but I've been dilated to 3 and at least 50% effaced for nearly two weeks, plus been having contractions... just not consistently or strong enough to actually *do* anything (like go to the hospital and have a baby).

Old wives tale to self-induce labor involves raspberry tea (both to drink AND as an enema, actually)... so I'm thinking.. if anyone wants to send me Godiva dark chocolate bars with raspberry filling (available at B&N for the paltry fee of $2.75 + tax each), that may just do the trick?

I do solemnly promise not to use them as an enema, though.

almost forgot... Chris? I did get your message...... the plan is to try to remember (again) to call you back after free minutes start, but before 3 am. :)
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