
May 05, 2005 09:13

apologies to (in no particular order) larry, d, and madd (i dunno if anyone else was there/planned to see me? i don't remember). plans kind of got rearranged last night. we ended up, thinking david maybe had walking pneumonia or some such, spending 4 or 5 hours in the ER. chest x-rays, more blood drawn than i've ever seen in my whole entire life in one sitting... the works. *sigh*

so. turns out it's just a horrible sinus infection, so that part's all good.

pretty sure i totally fucked myself on my algae exam, but i still passed even if i really failed it, so, *shrug* can't take it back now. i'm heading out shortly to pick up my comp final paper, then i'm done with my first semester of college. wooo!
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