Feb 22, 2003 03:04
I'm just going to come right out with an entry. No introductions.. you'll get the hang of it eventually.
I was sitting down to lunch today with mom and Tony and me and Tony just started talking about shit back in the day.. Shit I miss dearly. And some I don't. While I sit here and type this I realise that even the things I don't miss were part of the things that I do. Yeh I am talking in circles. Anyhow, I remember when me, Matt and Tony would go out in the woods and get high.. and I remember getting really plastered with Candice.. and I remember so much trouble that we got in.. getting arrested.. the whole nine yards. Some doing time.. some getting away with it..
And now things are soo different. Even a year ago things were so friggin different. A year ago today I was prolly sitting totally toasted on my friends couch. And now Im here.. sitting on the computer typing about being drunk and wasted on my friends couch.. okay enough of that. Lets go back to the present.
The biggest change in my life happened 5 days ago. I had my son, Jeremy Noel. He was 7 weeks early but he's now doing great.. He's having a hard time getting the idea of using a bottle to get his food but something tells me he'll be alright. After he gets the hang off that he is coming home. :D This I cannot wait for. Its tiring to be a mom at home but its worse trying to visit and be a mommy when your son is in the hospital.
I got to give him a bath today.. its so cute. Though he HATES it. He cries so loud.. but he has to stay clean!! Heh. Poor lil boy. Ah well.. I fed him his vitamins but when it came to the rest of the bottle he wouldn't take.. So I started bawling because that meant another tube feeding. And I just didn't have the energy to think about it. After that I had to go.. I was crying the whole time going to the car.. and crying inside while on the ride home. Im just feeling really stressed. Im afraid he'll never be able to come home.
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