(no subject)

Apr 26, 2006 21:11

Urgh, I am tired. And I have stupid "life decisions" to make and I don't want to make them, because I can't even decide what to watch in the evenings when I get home, so I have to choose it the night before and put it in the DVD player, so how am I supposed to decide whether I should go back to school or buy a house? OMG SOMEBODY JUST RECRUIT ME INTO A SECRETIVE VAMPIRE-KILLIN' ORGANISATION AND DO MY THINKING FOR ME ALREADY! Except for the bit about fancying Pearse, because I am right there. Damn, Angie, stop moping about your dead gay husband and just do him already. You know he looked totally hot blowing away that Paul Hoyle dude. He was all, "GRRRR, be a vampire!" and Pearse was like, "No" and Hoyle was all, "You're going to die," and Pearse was like, "Whatever," and Hoyle was all, "I'm gonna tell your minions that you're secretly on my side," and Pearse was like, "Oh my, you seem to have contracted a mild case of GRAPHITE ROUNDS IN YOUR CHEST!" and Hoyle was like, *explode* and Angie and Frances were all, "That's hot." And I was like, "Yes it is."

And the moral of that story is that priests who kill things are Totally Hot.

ultraviolet, hot priests who kill things

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