Apr 18, 2006 21:52
That stupid whore upstairs is using her fucking exercise bike again. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it's time to unleash the ultimate weapon; Strawberry Kiss Kiss. For those fortunate souls among you who have never seen the Tokyo Babylon OAV, SKK is quite possibly the most annoying song in the entire world. Imagine, if you will, Aqua, if they were Japanese, singing in English without actually being able to speak English, and therefore singing the lyrics as randomly strung-together sounds with no comprehension of how the words should actually be pronounced or seperated from the words immediately before and after them. Gravitation fans; imagine how bad Spicy Marmelade was, and times it by a thousand. Escaflowne fans; imagine that bit in the end theme where it suddenly goes "DON'T STOP BABY!" for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and then imagine a song entirely composed of that moment. For the rest of you, imagine every lame highschool "hardcore" band put into a giant compressor and crushed into one five-minute interval.
Tomorrow at six am, I'm sticking it on full blast and I'm leaving it on repeat. And then I'm going to work.
tokyo babylon,
strawberry kiss kiss,