(no subject)

May 25, 2004 11:29

Spike and Angel's Big Gay Roman Adventure rocks. There's no other way to put it. So much goodness.

The cookie dough rant. The slow-motion fight accompanied by Dean Martin songs. The moped. The argument in the elevator. Andrew. Gypsies. The Italian Wolfram and Hart. Spit humour. Bombs. Spike's coat.

And the dialogue. Don't get me wrong, nobody will ever replace Cordy and Xander in terms of 'hilariously quotable one-liners', but there were some gems here:

"You are the very definition of handsome. You take my breath away. I have no breath!"

"The Gypsies, they are filthy people. [spits] We will speak of them no more!"

"They give you bomb? Oh, they always do that to first-timers in this country."

"Is Angel crying?"
"No! [pause] Not yet!"

"I part my threshold to you. By which I mean, my doorway. Obviously."

"Unless the Immortal kills you. Which would be sad."
"He's not going to kill me."
"Not if I'm with you."

"Hop on, little momma."
"I'm not riding on the back!"

"I was confused, you git! It's very loud in here!"

"Son of a bitch!"

"Oh look, the Americans are using violence to solve their problems. What a suprise."

"Wait a minute, I wasn't in Italy in the 1950's."
"Oh, guess not. You really missed out."

"You never let us do that!"

"Those were my nuns!"

"Is there anything under 'Blood Vengance'?"

Le sigh. I'm going to miss this show.

Oh, and I know a lot of people had issues about Team Angel not telling the Burkles about Fred, but, in the words of Holland Manners, "I just can't seem to care."

spike&angel are so blatently doing it, shut up fred, angel

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