(no subject)

May 21, 2004 16:11

I feel conflicted.

On the one hand, I genuinely believe that the BBC are a bunch of greedy fucking whores who want nothing better than to violate me in intimate and long-lasting ways. Which, as anyone who knows me well can tell you, is my way of saying that I really resent paying for a TV license when the only good show the BBC has is 'My Family'.

On the other hand, it's Sherlock Holmes, and I can justify it by saying that it's BBC Radio and therefore not affiliated with the grasping fucks who try to steal my money every year for the 'joy' of getting to see such classic shows as 'Test the Nation's IQ' and 'National Lottery: In To Win It'.

The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Abergavenny Murder. Go. Listen. Lust.

My personal favourite:

Holmes: Can you tell how he died? (or words to that effect)
Watson: Not without an autopsy.
Holmes: Shall I clear the table?
Watson: For pity's sake, Holmes!

Also, look out for the strawberry jam line; it's an instant classic.

Although that bit with the tea at the very start reminded me of the vultures in Disney's 'The Jungle Book'. I was sitting here thinking, "If Watson says 'Now don't start that again,' I am so out of here." Selina, I know this is your fault - you're the only one to mention the Jungle Book to me in the last, oh, five years?

my family, the jungle book, bbc can fucking bite me, sherlock holmes, selina

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