(no subject)

Aug 12, 2005 22:30

Eventually, I will learn not to watch Nip/Tuck and try to eat at the same time. Because seriously? That delicious chilli you've spent the afternoon making suddenly looks a lot less appetizing when Christian and Shaun start pulling massive, bloody hunks of meat out of people.


On the other hand, it is quite possible that I shall never, ever stop laughing over the line "I'm putting Pussy Lips back on the schedule!" God, I love Christian. He's such a dick. Also, I was killing myself over Liz telling Christian she only wanted him to be a sperm donor so her kid would be pretty and his completely gutted expression. Of course, the way things usually work out for Christian, that poor kid would have ended up inheriting his "Ability To Make People Want To Fuck My Pretty Face Up Good" gene along with said pretty face, so it's all for the best. Plus I didn't have to lose the awesomeness that is Liz to the Breeder Faction, which would have hurt my feelings.

And also?

Shut up Julia, shut up Julia, shut up Julia.

i cook good, nip/tuck, i hate your kids

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