(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 22:10

Augh! Why is the Candyman in Smallville? Why?! Didn't I suffer enough insect-related trauma in that episode with the kid that gets bitten by Kryptobugs? (Also, no need for his mother's dessicated corpse! I swear that image will haunt me until something else creepy comes along and pushes it aside) And poor sad Lex at the end of Jitters - watching the Kents with that expression on his face like he was the saddest little future evil genius in the world. *sniff*

In other news, I have been watching the second season of Nip/Tuck, and my God, what is it with people and trying to cut up Christian's pretty face? Seriously, that bloke in the terrifying creepy doll mask is like the third, fourth person to try and fuck Christian's face up. Go pick on Sean, damn it! Or Julia. Actually, pick Julia. She annoys me so much. Stop whinging and blaming everyone else for your problems and go do something worthwhile with your life, bitch! Not to mention, that mask has frightened me half to death and now I don't dare have a bath until tomorrow when it's daylight in case the Carver gets me. I am Wuss, see me cower.

Also I have a mark on my head from slamming it into the coffee table when Julie was telling Ava that she could rise from the ashes of her despair "like a Phoenix". You just know whoever wrote that line thought they were being so fucking awesome. "Hahahaaa, it's funny because she's Famke Janssen and she played Jean Grey!" Jackass.

And finally, Deadwood. Am I completely missing something here? I get the impression we're supposed to think Bullock is this incredibly noble stand-up guy, when really he mostly comes across as a santimonius prick. Star, on the other hand, genuinely does come across as a nice guy. Bullock? Is a twat.

horror movies, nip/tuck, smallville, xmen, candyman, deadwood

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