Man, what is it with Gerard Butler and taking a trip to the shores of Boinky Boinky with Alice Krige's children? Quinn in Reign of Fire, Honoria in Attila - for the love of God, Gerard, don't do it! Do you want the Borg Queen as your Mother-in-Law?! No wonder she hated him in Attila, though - if I knew someone had totally run out on my son right when they were being attacked by a giant dragon, I so wouldn't let them date my daughter a couple of movies afterwards*. The big whore.
In other news, Hex is being a reclusive hobo and refusing to go and see Star Wars, which means I have no-one to laugh about Anakin's whiny-bitchness with and it makes me sad. However, she does make some convincing arguments for the general repulsiveness of people making her avoid the outside world...
"I Knew it! Dumbledore's a Simoan Attorney!" says:
this is in ep 3?
"Even though you are writhing in agony, I won't do the humane thing and put you out of your misery. You're the dick, though." says:
yeah. oh my god how have you STILL not seen it?!
"I Knew it! Dumbledore's a Simoan Attorney!" says:
"Even though you are writhing in agony, I won't do the humane thing and put you out of your misery. You're the dick, though." says:
so? so do i, but ive still managed to see it
"I Knew it! Dumbledore's a Simoan Attorney!" says:
but.. im a wimp as well
"I Knew it! Dumbledore's a Simoan Attorney!" says:
look i just really hate going into the outside world, i really really hate being stared at and nothing i do makes people stop
"Even though you are writhing in agony, I won't do the humane thing and put you out of your misery. You're the dick, though." says:
well thats true. i bring a cd player
"I Knew it! Dumbledore's a Simoan Attorney!" says:
you get stared at too?
"Even though you are writhing in agony, I won't do the humane thing and put you out of your misery. You're the dick, though." says:
oh yes
"I Knew it! Dumbledore's a Simoan Attorney!" says:
do you get that thing where people act like because you somehow stand out its totally ok for them to come and talk to you and ask really personal questions?
"Even though you are writhing in agony, I won't do the humane thing and put you out of your misery. You're the dick, though." says:
yup. the whole, "oh look, we both wear too much eyeliner/shop at Forbidden Planet/were in the same vicinty at the same time... LETS BE BFF!" That or the whole "do you have a boyfriend?" "are you a lesbian CHORTLE HAHAH!" thing
"I Knew it! Dumbledore's a Simoan Attorney!" says:
how does not having a boyfriend make you a lesbian? i mean... that's some half fucked logic
"Even though you are writhing in agony, I won't do the humane thing and put you out of your misery. You're the dick, though." says:
yeah, but in my experiance people who hit on you in morrisons or the petstore are not exactly the deepest of thinkers at the best of times
"Even though you are writhing in agony, I won't do the humane thing and put you out of your misery. You're the dick, though." says:
and its like, no, i DONT want to go to the pub. no, i dont like kareoke. no, i actually REALLY dont like those things and wouldnt go to them even if i didnt find you so repulsive i think you should be forced to carry a bell to warn people of your approach
"Even though you are writhing in agony, I won't do the humane thing and put you out of your misery. You're the dick, though." says:
plus there seems to be this thing that, because you're a goth, you;re automatically slutty, kinky and have low self-esteem, and will therefore be pathetically grateful for any display of male interest
"I Knew it! Dumbledore's a Simoan Attorney!" says:
well duh. everyone knows That. maybe you could show them the deep scars on your arms to scare them off.
"Even though you are writhing in agony, I won't do the humane thing and put you out of your misery. You're the dick, though." says:
that might work, actually. "and this is from where i tried to rip out the slimy tongue of the last creep that hit on me. he clawed me up pretty good, but i killed him in the en- wait, where are you going? COME BACK AND HAVE SEX WITH ME! I MUST VALID MY EXISTANCE THROUGH THE EXCHANGE OF BODILY FLUIDS!"
*Yes, I know RoF was made after Attila. And I don't care. Run with it.