(no subject)

Jun 20, 2005 21:47

I have succeeded in my epic quest to clean Darth Bathroom before I move out next month. Go me! Now all that remains is Darth Kitchen. And the bedrooms. And the entrance hall and corridor and the pantry... oh God, I'm going to die. And then I have to pack.

I. Hate. Moving.

In other news, have been curled up watching POTO this evening, eating pizza and mocking Raoul. Poor Raoul. I love that scene after Buquet is killed where Madame Giry is explaining Erik's past to him, and she's like, "He's a genius. A genius, monsieur!" and Raoul gets this really earnest look on his face and says "Clearly, Madame Giry, genius has turned to madness" and she just gives him this look like, "Oh, you think?". And because the Punjab lasso isn't the long-range weapon it was in the book, that advice about keeping your hand at the level of your eyes makes absolutely no sense; it just looks like Madame Giry told Raoul that so he'd look like an idiot walking into the Phantom's lair with his arm up in the air. Tit. On the other hand, it pleases me to think that, even in the midst of horror and death, there's always someone willing to go that extra mile to make Raoul look stupid.

'Cause honestly, movie!Erik only uses that damn rope when he's standing so close that it would actually be easier to punch them in the face. Which would be totally awesome, I'm thinking - Raoul would be all like, "Hand at the level of my eyes!" and Erik would be all, "What the fuck..." *PUNCH* and Raoul would be like, @_@ *collapse* and I would laugh.

And this is why nobody asks me to write movie scripts for them. Le sadness.

poto, phantom of the opera, i hate moving

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