My rabbit delights in mocking me. I've been revising all afternoon, and I swear, he was deliberatly stretching and yawning and falling asleep on the sofa next to me just to rub my nose in it. Little grey bastard. He twitches in his sleep, too - no doubt chasing dogs or something.
In other news, I saw Kingdom of Heaven on Thursday...
Let me preface this by saying that the plot makes absolutely no sense, and the film itself is rife with LOTR shout-outs, from the blonde Viking getting his Boromir on at the start (For fuck's sake, you've got an arrow through your Adam's apple! Stay down already!) to the scene atop the walls of Jerusalum near the end. But since Ridley Scott hasn't had an original thought in his entire film-making career, this should suprise nobody.
Orlando Bloom wasn't actually that bad. He's always going to be a naff actor, but for once he didn't make me want to bludgeon him with a blunt instrument, so call it a win. Plus, seeing him go all hardcore on Lord Oliver- I mean, that one priest at the start was pretty damn cool. Liam Neeson was pretty as always, and Jeremy Irons was fantastic, though shockingly underused. David Thwelis was amazing and stole pretty much every scene he was in.
I felt kind of sorry for the bad guys, though - I mean, on one side you have Orlando Bloom and Jeremy Irons, and on the other you have Menelaus and that stupid Dekkar bloke from Timeline. Oh gee, I wonder who will win.
And finally, memes stolen from
1. Total number of films I own on DVD/video:
101, not counting the animated ones because they're in a different wallet and I can't be bothered to go and count them.
2. The last film I bought:
Phantom of the Opera
3. The last film I watched:
Kingdom of Heaven
4. Five films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me:
Pump Up the Volume
Interview with a Vampire
The Last Unicorn
Watership Down
1. Does my username suit me?
2. Is my journal's title cryptic or descriptive? What do you think it means?
3. Do you think my bio describes me well? If there were no names given would you be able to guess who it was describing?
4. Which of my interests surprises you the least?
5. Which of my interests surprises you the most?
6. Which of my interests needs explaining?
7. Which of my user pics suits me best? Why?
Aaaand that is all.