(no subject)

May 09, 2005 23:11

Warning: here there be Terry Pratchett squee.

I just finished reading Night Watch and... and...

Eeeeeeeeeee! Little Vetinari! Little Sam Vimes! Frat boy Downey!

And yes, I know I'm going to hell for squealing delightedly over the ickle mini!Patrician, but I don't care. Because oh my God, how cute! And ickle Vimes, with the hero-worship of himself, and notazombie!Reg with his clipboard, and... and...


Awww, he's so adorable. And Downey burns his book, OHNOES! But then he paints Downey's face with tiger stripes. And "Scag"! And "I'm teaching myself to stand still," and "Go now, or recieve and Aunt's curse!" and ohhhh it's beyond cute. I want one!

terry pratchett, discworld

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