(no subject)

Feb 22, 2005 20:20


So last night my keyboard, having been subjected to three years of spillage and splutterings, finally gave up the ghost after I accidently emptied half a pint of boiling water over it. Yes, well, I never claimed to be Real Life Competent. Therefore today, instead of lounging in bed, playing with Thlayli and writing another thousand words of my dissertation, I had to go into town to buy a new one.

Simple, right? And I stopped off at a couple of the second-hand stores near the bus station to buy myself some books to compensate for having to give up my Day of Rest And Wanton Perving. So that wasn't too bad. Especially because I got "Five PEople You Meet in Heaven" for a pound, and Richard Adams' Shardik for 25p. Things could have gone a lot worse, considering.

Except that when I got home, half the keys on my brand new keyboard didn't work. So I had to take it back, get a refund and buy a new one.

At which point, it started to snow.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like snow. Plus I was listening to "Wandering Child" on my trusty CD player, so it kinda fit the mood. But this morning it was warm enough for me to be dreaming about doing Naughty Things with melted chocolate and Gerry Butler's sun-warmed skin, and so I was dressed appropriately. (For the weather, I mean, not for doing Naughty Things with Gerry Butler.) And by this point, I am shivering in my shitty broken boots and my toes are going numb.

So, I go to Starbucks. To get coffee. And obviously since it's above Borders, I have to go and look at the books. And obviously I have to get a couple to read while I drink my coffee and wait for the feeling to return to my fingers.


Stupid Cornelia Funke, why must you rock so hard? I needed that money for Highlander dvds. (TV series with Sexy Duncan and Snarkalicious Methos, obviously, not the shitty movies with Christopher "Frogface McCan'tAct" Lambert and Sean "I Ruin Everything I'm In" Connery).

Also, my Attila and Reign of Fire dvds arrived today.

Yeah, I'm so not working on my dissertation right now.

poto, richard adams, gerard butler, reign of fire, thlayli, highlander, attila, phantom of the opera, cornelia funke

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