(no subject)

Feb 03, 2005 17:20

Oooh, lookie what I nicked from imbeiaiel:

Comment and I'll ...

1. Tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
2. Tell you what celebrity/public/fictional person you remind me of, either personality-wise or looks-wise.
3. Give you one word that I associate with you when I think of you.
4. Tell you what colour(s) I associate with you.

Most productive day yesterday: whilst noodling 'round Borders waiting for friends to show up, discovered that they have At Last got more copies of POTO in. So YAY Eriky goodness for me. Also bought Inkheart by Cordelia Funke and Dracula 2001, which while being a terrible film, has the dual redeeming features of Johnny 'Sulky McByronpants' Lee Miller and Gerard 'Mister Sexypants Phantom' Butler.

Plus Virgin didn't have Reign of Fire or American Psycho. Le pout.

Also, in amazingly unFroodlish display of willpower, managed to resist buying their only copy of Dario Argento's Phantom of the Opera , despite urgings of nefarious companions. My newly-forged iron will LAUGHS IN THEIR FACES. Then it runs out of Virgin and away from temptation.

All lectures were cancelled today, so decided to make cauliflower cheese (very tasty), play with Thlayli (fully clothed, to prevent a repeat of the Underwear Incident), and read Neal Stephenson's "Quicksilver" (would probably enjoy it more if I hadn't seen Escaflowne, and therefore prone to imagining Issac Newton as a floating head with a beard full of rollers and also to muttering "You killed Folken!" at random moments).

In other news, finally got to see the new Sherlock Holmes film that aired over Christmas...


Rupert Everett was, as always, full of brilliance and greatness. Ian Hart's silly moustache made me laugh, and the butler (and his EVIL TWIN) reminded me of Patrick Bateman from Psycho. Part of me half-expected him to start shrieking "TRY GETTING A RESERVATION AT DORSIA NOW YOU FUCKING STUPID BASTARD!" while hitting Holmes repeatedly with an axe.

Was so weird seeing Wendy from Peter Pan in it. Poor Wendy. No wonder she started seeing flying boys in her room at night, after nearly being choked to death by a foot-fetishist (who looks like a very scary version of Christian Bale). How much of a sly bastard was Holmes for that whole corridor thing?

The American fiance made me laugh. Holmes' reaction to the American fiance made me laugh even harder.

That opening sequence? Totally ripped from the start of From Hell.

And also...


poto, reign of fire, johnny lee miller, american psycho, dracula, issac newton wants your soul, escaflowne, from hell, gerard butler, evil twins, pretty boys with wings, christian bale, neil stephenson, peter pan, rupert everett, phantom of the opera, cornelia funke, johnny depp

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