(no subject)

Jan 17, 2005 16:35

Whelp, nothing interesting happened today, so it's time for that old fallback plan, Anecdotes of the Family Von Froodle.

Some of you may already know that I suffer from what Ranma 1/2 fans call "Azusa Complex", the desire to name any inanimate objects in my possession. That's why you sometimes hear me talking about the state of Sanzo's hardrive or Yukimura's inability to perform - it just means my computer's being a bitch and my CD player is misbehaving.

So, I've just got back from uni and I'm getting changed and taking all my jewellery off in preparation for cooking dinner. Buzz and I are in my room, discussing the difficulties I'm having running Sims 2 on Sanzo. I jokingly suggest giving him a cigerrette to improve his tember. Buzz suggests naming another piece of hardware Homura, connecting them up and leaving them to "extract data" for a while. I say that I can't do that, because all my hardware has names. I then introduce them all: the scanner is called Hakkai, the printer is Gojyo, the modem is Goku, the two speakers are Merry and Pippin and the subwoofer is Boromir. At which point Buzz glances at the pile of abandoned jewellery sitting on top of the speaker system, snaps "Boromir!" reprovingly, before gathering up my rings and bracelets and moving them to the other side of the desk.

my computer is a dick, samurai deeper kyo, saiyuki, pretty hobbits, ranma 1/2, family von froodle, lord of the rings

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