(no subject)

Nov 26, 2004 23:58

Went shopping for Christmas tack today with Alan and Jess. Living room now illuminated by wire mesh snowflakes, blue icicles and a translucent fibre-optic tree who I like to call Muraki. When you switch everything on, it's almost as bright as having the lamp on.

Also bought set of very tacky pink angel lights, which we spent the evening painting with Warhammer paint. Jessica made Maleficent and Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, Alan made a robot, an alien and a priest, and I made Crowley, Aziraphale and Legato. Much fun was had by all.

Afterwards we ate takeout and watched Troy, which Alan bought this afternoon, prompting many comments from Jess and I about his love for Brad Pitt in a skirt. Have decided Troy is much better when viewed with accompanying friends commentary, which included:

Redbeard: Rarr, come out and fight me, Orlando Bloom, you marriage-wrecking tart!
Paris: *teary eyes*
Hector: OMGSTFU Paris, go out and fight him.
Paris: *teary eyes*
Jessica: Urgh, God knows whose wife he'll come back with this time. Can't they castrate him and then send him out to fight?
Alan: Hah, yeah, you won't be starting any more wars that way, you little prick.

Redbeard: Blahblah, crows is gonna EAT YOU!
Paris: *looks up in abject terror*
Alan: Oh shit, crows!

Jessica: Paris's beard is pissing me off.
Froodle: He doesn't have a beard.
Jessica: That's why it's pissing me off; he's got these stupid wispy chinhairs.
Alan: It's a wannabe beard.
Jessica: He's like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.

Odessyuss: Blah, Icatha is crap and cannot fight Agamemnon.
Froodle: Bollocks. Sharpe could totally take out Agamemnon.

Achilles: Patroclus! Patroclus! Patrocluuuuus!
Alan: *dogwhistle* Patroclus! Here boy!

Hector: Blah, secret tunnel, blah.
Hectorwife: Blah omg don't die!
Jessica: Wait, why doesn't Paris know about the tunnel?
Alan: 'Cause he'd already be out of Troy by now, the coward.

Achilles: Hector! Hector! Hectooooooooooor!
Alan: I'm busy! Come back later!

Achilles: Rarr, Imma fight you, Hectoooooooooor!
Hector: OMGNOES!
Jessica: Wtf, this is all Paris's fault. Make Paris fight him.
Froodle: Yeah, they could dress him in Hector's armour, stick a fake beard on him, and Achilles will never know.

Priam: Have you no honour! Have you no honour! Rarr I am a senile old man!
Agamemnon: *backstab*
Jessica: Obviously not, now stop whining.

Paris: *OMGARROW!*
Jessica: Oh, look who thinks he's still Legolas.
Achilles: *OMGARROWED! But still fights.*
Alan: And look who thinks he's Boromir.
Froodle: Any minute now Odesseyus is going to come running in and be like, *BITCHSLAP* OMG stop stealing my deathscene, BITCH!

troy sucked, christmas, alan&jess

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