Apr 29, 2004 20:44
'Young Sherlock Holmes' is, uh, dreadful. There's no nice way to say it. Mind you, what else can we expect from Steven 'Twatface' Spielberg? I should have known, really.
More disturbing is the fact that Holmes (I was gonna write 'Little Sherlock', but realised in time how wrong it would sound) is played by Nicholas Rowe. Remember him? No?
He's the guy who gets his toes shot off in 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'.
Great. Holmes grew up to be a dress-wearing, weed-smoking hippy.
Slightly less disturbing is the discovery that the name of the guy who plays Hatchet Harry is "P.H. Moriarty".
Eventually, I will learn my lesson and stop watching Sherlock Holmes films. It only ends in tears. Of laughter.
Slightly beside the point, I really, really want an Angel puppet. I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one, either.
Saw an episode of Big Wolf on Campus that I hadn't seen before tonight: Clipshow: Kiss of Death. Though, considering Death was played by Victor Pearson of Black Hole High fame, I would have been extremely disturbed if any kissing had, in fact, been involved. Poor Merton, he's everyone's bitch.
guy ritchie,
werewolves yay,
damn hippies,
shut up steven spielberg,
sherlock holmes,
big wolf on campus