(no subject)

Oct 27, 2013 06:27

So I'm watching the Brothers Bloom, and one of the trailers on the DVD is for the Losers, and they show that scene where Jensen breaks into Goliath Worldwide and then pretends to be telekinetic by having Cougar snipe a bunch of security dudes from like a bajillion feet away, and it's really weird because the soundtrack on the advert isn't Journey's "Don't Stop Believin"* and the whole thing just feels wrong because somewhere along the line, not only did Don't Stop Believin' become the theme song for the Losers as a whole, but as far as I'm concerned, it is specifically the song for Jensen and Cougar as a couple, and now having them be beautiful with another song feels like cheating.

*I don't know what the song's called, but it's the one from Lost Boys 2 that plays when Shane and his vampire surfer bros annoy the Luna Bay police with skateboards. Yes, that is a thing that happened. Yes, I still love that movie. Don't judge.

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

rian johnson, 80s madness, journey, the losers, brothers bloom, the lost boys

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